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Question of the Week: Your Hidden Side

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Turn on your iTunes or iPod (or whatever is the closest thing for you). Now, hit SHUFFLE, and tell me what 7 songs come up first.

No cheating! This is not about sharing your favorite, brag-worthy taste, it’s about catching you off guard and seeing a hidden side to your personality.


Wednesday, you may just be transformed by my guest, Danny Gregory, who will tell his story of realizing he is an artist and letting that part of him step forward.

This is from the back cover of my very dog-earred copy of THE CREATIVE LICENSE:

For years, author Danny Gregory told himself he wasn’t, couldn’t be an artist. But when a crisis made him reexamine his priorities, he saw he’d been speeding through life and missing the view. So, in his late thirties, he picked up a ballpoint and taught himself to draw. The result was a whole new perspective on life – which he now shares in this beautifully illustrated program for reconnecting to our own creative energies.

He gently instructs us in the art of allowing ourselves to fail, giving up the expectation of perfection and opening our eyes to the beauty around us. The result is THE CREATIVE LICENSE, a wild celebration of amateurism, full of humor, passion, and encouragement, sure to inspire every doodler, frustrated writer, wannabe musician, and midlife-crisising executive – in other words, the artist inside every one of us.

Looking forward to sharing Danny and his story with you. See you Wednesday!

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  • Lori Oliva
    October 23, 2006

    1. Cat Power: He War
    2. Black Keys: 10 am Automatic
    3. Oasis: Wonderwall
    4. Led Zeppelin: Immigrant Song
    5. Ester Drang: How Good is Good
    6. Gorillaz: Dare
    7. Steve Miller: Jungle Love

    Those songs should tell you a little bit about my hidden side. I am attracted to many different styles and appreciate many different ways of life. At the risk of sounding too cosmic (which is another secret side) I have a lot of Scorpio in my chart. The Scorpio influence is intense, passionate and secret. I’m a very private person. There are experiences I pursue that I don’t want anyone to know about, mainly because the complete solo experience recharges me.

  • Myfanwy Collins
    October 23, 2006

    1) Bach (JS): Suite #6 In D, Yo-Yo Ma, Bach (JS): Six Unaccompanied Cello Suites
    2) Dance of the Seven Veils. Liz Phair, Exile in Guyville
    3) Our Deseret, small factory, I Do Not Love You
    4) feel better, portastatic
    5) Jeez-Louise, Zumpano, Look What The Rookie Did
    6) Man-Size, PJ Harvey, Rid of Me
    7) Last Goodbye, Jeff Buckley, Grace

  • mikel k poet
    October 23, 2006

    I’m still using eight track tapes…

  • Lance Reynald
    October 23, 2006

    lol….this is gonna be embarassing.

    California Dreaming- DJ Dammy
    Life of Leisure- Rainer Maria
    Miss Misery- Elliot Smith
    Besame Mucho- Cesaria Evora
    Unconditional- The Bravery
    Come On Eileen- Dexy’s Midnight Runners
    Feeling Good- Nina Simone

    wow, I think that just shuffled up far cooler than I actually am…….Clearly my iPod works for me.

  • Lance Reynald
    October 23, 2006

    ooops. that first one would be DJ Sammy. (not that anyone is going to run right out and add it to their collection, but those pre-coffee typos always get me.)

    Worth throwing this out there, but Po Bronson had a book out a few years ago that might just tie in here…”what should I do with my life”- very cool tales of people transforming their lives to what they dream of, a series of interviews with those who were brave enough to leap. (I think Po is over at MySpace now.)

  • Gail Siegel
    October 23, 2006

    I don’t have an ipod.

  • Robin Slick
    October 23, 2006

    Ha ha ha – I lucked out. None of my lame choices came up. So now you’ll never know what I really listen to when the family isn’t around to make fun of me:

    (1) Todd Rundgren – We’ve Gotta Get You a Woman;
    (2) Johnny Cash – Hurt (Nine Inch Nails cover)
    (3) David Bowie – Stay
    (4) Pete Townshend/Eddie Vedder – Heart to Hold On To
    (5) Richie Havens – cover version of Jackson Browne’s Blood on the Wire (and yes, I know there are those of you who may be shuddering at that and saying Robin, what do you mean you aren’t lame? Right. It’s true. I love Richie Havens.)
    (6) John Entwistle solo – Too Late The Hero
    (7) Clash – Rock the Casbah

    Okay, I’m gonna come clean. If you ever get hold of my iPod, you will also find cuts by ELO and Carly Simon. You have permission to shoot me over Carly, but it’s her early greatest hits and includes You’re So Vain, etc. The ELO stuff is old when Bev Bevans was still drumming with them and Jeff Lynne was at the height of his creativity. So there.

    Oh alright. Yeah I have a totally uncool side. I also like ice hockey. But even worse, I liked ice hockey way better when the players didn’t wear helmets and had bloody brawls in every game. Hey, how did your son make out Saturday night singing the National Anthem at the hockey game? Any photos? (ha ha…as if you don’t have photos)


  • Jim
    October 23, 2006

    Okay, I use my mp3 player mostly for author interview podcasts, so there is limited music on it. But I hit music shuffle, and here’s what I got–

    Every song is performed by Gillian Welch & David Rawlings, all from live performances in 2004 and 2005:

    1 – Everything Is Free (How appropriate is that!)

    2 – You Are My Flower (Sam Bush with Gillian Welch)

    3 – Take a Load Off Annie (GW and DR, maybe with Old Crow Medicine Show?, live 2004)

    4 – Miss Ohio (GW with Sam Bush, live 2005)

    5 – I’ll Fly Away (GW and DR and Emmylou Harris, live 2004)

    6 – Caleb Meyer (Rawlings absolutely shreds the guitar live!)

    7 – Red Clay Halo (live 2004)

    ps – as a teen, David Rawlings practiced guitar in my basement.

  • Megan
    October 23, 2006

    Lance gave an ipod for my birthday a couple of years ago. I love it, it’s pink and girly.

    Unfortunately I still don’t know how to use it.

  • Jordan
    October 23, 2006

    Well, when you consider there are 2000 songs on my ipod (actually in my itunes, my pod just died a sad hard drive death), I think this 7 song spread is actually a pretty good representation of me and my tastes, though the omni-presence of Ani will make many think I am a bit “crunchy”.

    1. In or Out–Ani DiFranco
    2. La Vie, L’amour–Edith Piaf (no joke–I love Piaf!)
    3. Next to You–The Police
    4. Hello Birmingham–Ani DiFranco
    5. My Lover’s Gone–Dido (why does this one embarrass me the most?)
    6. The two sides of Monsieur Valentin-Spoon
    7. String Quartet in G Minor. Andante Cantabile. Mozart “Haydn Quartets”

  • jolene siana
    October 23, 2006

    I’m working on a project involving the band VAST so they’re just about the only band on my ipod shuffle, otherwise it would be more intersting and varied. Maybe I’ll submit another set when my ipod is normal.

    At the moment:

    1. VAST Candle
    2. EDDIE MONEY 2 Tickets to Paradise
    3. VAST All I found was you.
    4. VAST A better Place
    5. VAST I need to say Good-bye.
    6. DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE Soul meets Body.
    7. CLAN OF XYMOX Stranger

  • LaurenBaratz-Logsted
    October 23, 2006

    I have no iPod. Sadly, I cannot play.

  • Richard
    October 23, 2006

    1. Edwin Starr: War (Good god y’all, what is it good for?)
    2. Stereophonics: The bartender and the thief
    3. Moby: Why does my heart feel so bad
    4. Queen: Seaside Rendezvous
    5. Radiohead: In limbo
    6. Frank Zappa: Joe’s garage
    7. Coldplay: In my place

  • Carolyn Burns Bass
    October 23, 2006

    My iPod is not my own. I share with my husby and my son. We’re kind of an eclectic family. Husby’s pod is loaded with just about every song by the Beatles. My 17-year-old son’s is all over the place and he has excellent taste. Alas, both are out of my reach right now. Perhaps it’s time I get my own.

  • Anneliese
    October 23, 2006

    1. Baby I Love Your Way – Peter Frampton
    2. Boogie Shoes – K.C. & the Sunshine Band
    3. Carouselambra – Led Zeppelin
    4. L.A. Woman – Billy Idol
    5. Sometimes – My Bloody Valentine
    6. Just Like Heaven – The Cure
    7. Savage – Eurythmics

  • Susan Henderson
    October 23, 2006

    Ooh, this is fun! It’s like I caught you all in your underwear. Jim, Gillian Welch came up on my shuffle, too, but I’m not posting my list till Friday.

    For those of you without iTunes and iPods, tell me what tapes and CDs you have in the car. Everyone gets to play.

  • robert westfield
    October 23, 2006

    1–Abolicao (from “Burn” Ennio Morricone…good start)
    2–Track 8 (don’t know the song…by the Tiger Lillies…who knew it was on my ipod?)
    3–Love (Lena Horne…nice)
    4–59th Street Bridge (Simon and Garfunkle…classic)
    5–I Don’t Want to Say Goodbye (Teddy Thompson)
    6–Your Daddy’s Son (Audra McDonald, Ragtime…damn it! I knew a showtune would pop up.)
    7–‘Tween a Rock and a Hard Place (Floyd Collins…showtune #2)

  • Gail Siegel
    October 23, 2006

    I drove to and from a reading in Michigan this weekend, and took the first book on tape that I’ve ever tried to hear — The Fourth Hand by John Irving. It was okay — I didn’t like the reader’s voice at all. And then at some point it was apparent that they’d skipped a chapter.

    I grabbed some CDs and didn’t listen to them so I can’t remember what I took. Oh, Etta James. My daughter has stolen all my favorite CDs anyway. My car is full of HER CDs, and it’s in the shop, so I don’t know what’s in my car.

    In the kitchen I have a Madeline Peroux CD in the player.

  • Aurelio
    October 23, 2006

    I am iPodless, but it doesn’t matter because there’s an annoying little crinkle in my brain that runs random tunes through my head, whether I want it to or not.

    Abba’s “Fernando” is stuck there right now. (Please make it stop….)

  • LaurenBaratz-Logsted
    October 23, 2006

    “For those of you without iTunes and iPods, tell me what tapes and CDs you have in the car.” – But I can’t do that either! As my daughter tells my husband, “Mommy don’t need no stinkin’ CDDDs [extra D’s, hers]!” We listen to the radio. And sing loud.

    In my MySpace profile I list Warren Zevon and Frank Sinatra, going on to add, “not necessarily at the same time.” One of my first MS experiences was when a new friend there asked me for specific songs; when I gave them to him, he told me he had a huge dual sound system and later on that night blasted “The Way You Look Tonight” and “Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner” out into the Arizona night.

    I love that. Wish I could have heard it.

  • mikel k poet
    October 23, 2006

    The Doors.

    R.E.M. And I Feel Fine, The Best of the I.R.S. Years

    Bob Dylan Desire, Blood On The Tracks, Love and Theft,
    Modern Times, The Bootleg Series Vol. 6 Bob Dylan Live 1964

    Tom Petty, Damn The Torpedoes, Highway Companion

    Rolling Stones, Made In The Shade

    An American Prayer, Jim Morrison

    John Prine Live

    Janis Joplin, The Hits

    Bee Gees, Number Ones

    Beatles, Number ones

    Cat Stevens, Greatest Hits

    American, History, Greatest Hits

    SpaceSeed, Future Cities Of The Past, P1

    SpaceSeed and Harvey Bainbridge, The Empire of Night

    Wayside Riders, Grey

    Clark Vreeland, Years in Exile

    Ru Paul, Supermodel of the World, Foxy Lady

    Ramones, LOUD FAST

    Foghat, Fool For The City

    Don McLean, the one with vincent on it

    John Lennon, Hits

    Jefferson Airplane, their first album

    Crosby, Stills, Nash

    Palomar, Palomar II

    Lynard Skynard, Hits

    Pink Floyd, Darkside

    Guns N Roses, Appetite

    The Outlaws, Green Grass And High Tides

    October 23, 2006

    I don’t own an IPOD and have never used or even handled one. They look like fun. Here are the last seven things I played this morning on my cd / stereo set in reverse order:

    1. Bach: St John Passion/ Peter Schreier, conductor.
    2. Kind of Blue/ Miles Davis Quintet
    3. Aire Latino/ David Russell, guitar
    4. Haydn Sonatas/ Glenn Gould
    5. Bach Partitas/ Glenn Gould
    6. Stabat Mater / Pergolesi
    7. Symphonies 8 and 9/ Gustav Mahler/ Bernstein, conductor

    But, Susan, as you know I have a huge appetite for jazz, folk music, bluegrass, country, all ethnic and “world” music too. I’ve been playing John Williams’s guitar adaptations of traditional African music a good deal lately.

    Thanks for asking.


    p.s. I don’t play much rock music these days but judging from what the students in the inns, cafes and other vending areas at the university are playing while I am purchasing things there, rock has enjoyed a robust injection of tuneful, imaginative energy lately. I hear many things that please and challenge my ears.


  • teresa
    October 23, 2006

    We’re all like rabid dogs when asked to provide music lists! Grrreat!!! Here’s me:

    1—-Spaccanapoli:modern protest songs from ancient roots

    2—-Women Like Us compilation

    3—-Home Alive: the Art of Self-Defense compilation

    4—-Very by The Pet Shop Boys

    5—-Radikal Techno compilation

    6—-Back on a Mission by Cirrus

    7—-Sushi 4004: a Japanese Club Pop compilation

  • Susan Henderson
    October 23, 2006

    Lori – What a great thing to know about you. Not to get hooey-hooey either, but I am ALL Aries.

    Myfanway – Do you think there’s a better, more emotional album than Jeff Buckley’s Grace?

    Lance – I have that Po Bronson book! And don’t worry, I know behind that cool shuffle is the same old geek I love.

    Robin – I like your lame choices, too. Bach-Boy was disappointed in his performance. 🙁 What else is new?

    Jim – Which author interviews have been good?

    Megan – You have to learn how to work that hot pink thing!

    Jordan – Your list is way more sophisticated than mine.

    Jolene – Now I have to look up VAST.

    Richard – Hi! I adore Seaside Rendezvous.

    Carolyn – Come back when you get your hands on that iPod. That’s fun to have your music mixed in with your kid’s.

    Anneliese – I just got one of your songs stuck in my head!

    Robert – It’s great to see you here! I love your completely random list.

    Gail – Isn’t that unnerving when the wrong voice reads a book? Hey, write to me about all the political stuff happening near you, unless you can say here. I’ve been thinking of you the past 2 days.

    Aurelio – I had a feeling you’d be the first person to bring up ABBA.

    Lauren – I’m glad you found a way to play the game, but we’ve got to get iPods for you and Gail!

    Mikel K – Ha ha! I was just thinking, I KNOW Mikel won’t keep his list to 7. (I won’t either – you’ll see on Friday!)See, you and I can both go from John Prine to RuPaul, very nice!

    Kaspar – You need to get to know Robin because the two of you have the jazz connection as well as enormous collections of instruments.

    Teresa – I’m glad you’re here because I’m putting together a roundtable of indie booksellers, and you have to be part of it. If you know of folks you want me to include, just drop me a note.

    Everyone – I’m going to poke around on iTunes and sample the songs you listed. I just love the range of songs here and that I can get a flavor of each of you. Fun!

  • Sarah Roundell
    October 23, 2006

    Some good and varied musical tastes in the Park today! This was fun. Wednesday’s interview sounds like it will be a good one.

    No iPod so I put my Windows Media Player on shuffle and came up with these:
    1. Hey I’m Gonna Be Your Girl – The Donnas
    2. Magic Dance – David Bowie
    3. Last Caress – AFI
    4. Today – Smashing Pumpkins
    5. Promise – Eve 6
    6. DaDaDa – Trio
    7. I’m Easy – Faith No More

  • Claire Cameron
    October 23, 2006

    1. I Need You, Eurythmics
    2. Jesus Doesn’t Want Me for a Sunbeam, Nirvana
    3. The Weaker Solider, Palace Brothers
    4. Ragtime, Randy Newman
    5. Pendulums, Sarah Harmer
    6. Restraining Order Blues, Eels
    7. The Communter, Simple Kid

    I used Party Shuffle on iTunes. I’m always up for a Party.

  • Jim
    October 23, 2006

    I enjoy most author interviews, Sue. Three all-time favorites ate two Michael Silverblatt “Bookworn” podcasts — one with John Barth, another with Mary Gaitskill.

    There’s also a wonderful discussion of the differences between novel and short story by Antonya Nelson, this interview over KCI-Irvine, CA by Barbara DeMArco-Barrett. (She interviews TC Boyle in the second half of that podcast. Not a shabby line-up!)

  • Amy Kiger-Williams
    October 23, 2006

    This selection is a little heavy on the Liz Phair and Elvis Costello, but here goes…

    1) We Won’t Need Legs to Stand – Sufjan Stevens
    2) F*ck and Run – Liz Phair
    3) The Judgement – Elvis Costello and the Imposters
    4) Bedlam – Elvis Costello and the Imposters
    5) Here – Pavement
    6) Dress Up in You – Belle & Sebastian
    7) Nashville – Liz Phair

  • Terry
    October 23, 2006

    Green Day, “Jesus of Suburbia” Green Day - American Idiot - Jesus of Suburbia
    Jet, “Move On” Jet - Get Born - Move On
    dj BC and the Beastles, Tripper Trouble
    Jackie Wilson, “(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher” Jackie Wilson - Higher and Higher - (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher
    Puffy AmiYumi, “Love So Pure” Puffy AmiYumi - Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi - Love So Pure
    The Fiery Furnaces, “Chris Michaels” The Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat - Chris Michaels
    The Capitols, “Cool Jerk” The Capitols - Dance the Cool Jerk - Cool Jerk

  • Noria
    October 24, 2006

    I too am iPodless, so here’s what’s currently in my car:

    Sam Cooke’s Greatest Hits
    Hank Williams’ Greatest Hits
    The Knitters
    Dead Can Dance – Spiritchaser
    David Bowie – Hunky Dory and Space Oddity
    Tom Waits – Frank’s Wild Years
    The Shaggs
    Laurie Anderson – Mister Heartbreak

    Have you heard of ‘musical epilepsy’? That ABBA playing in Aurelio’s brain could be temporal lobe seizures.

  • Susan Henderson
    October 24, 2006

    Kasper – This is unrelated but I thought of you because you paint such amazing portraits. Did you see this? The artist continued making portraits as his Alzheimer’s progressed. It’s fascinating. Be sure to click on the slide show.

    Sarah – Yeah, isn’t it great to see the varied taste of the entire group of us, and then the varied taste within each individual. I’m sort of creating mental soundtracks for everyone.

    Claire – And I thought I was the only person in the world who played Sarah Harmer! I’ve never tried party shuffle before, but now I will.

    Jim – I’d like to hear that Tony Nelson piece. I leave books on tape and author interviews for Steve the greyhound when I leave the house. Today he listened to About a Boy.

    Amy – Isn’t that funny how shuffle gave you doubles of two artists. I got a double in my shuffle today, too. You’ll see who on Friday.

    Terry- You are too cool with your links. Is there really a Puffi AmiYumi? It sounds like a Japanese kids’ cereal.

    Noria – I think that’s a great idea to diagnose Aurelio here. I have some of my own theories…

  • Shelley Marlow
    October 24, 2006

    Richard Lionheart Italian Madrigals
    Reach for the Sun Polyphonic Spree
    Take, Take, Take The White Stripes
    It’s the Sun Polyphonic Spree
    Passive Manipulation White Stripes
    Alone Again Or Love
    The Battle of Evermore Ann and Nancy Wilson(Heart)

    I had to remove most of my music collection from my harddrive.

  • Gail Siegel
    October 24, 2006

    Ah, the elections. I’m really busy. We’re dealing with lots of controversy. People opposed to the accessible electronic voting machines, because they don’t realize that we have the recommended paper trail in Illinois (we were the first state to require it — also, most people will vote on paper optical scan ballots). People who no longer want polling places in schools because of school violence — while half our polling places are in schools (typical through the US), and we ask the schools to have an institute day or non-attendence day years in advance. Implementing new equipment while we have several VERY controversial elections that will be VERY close. I am constantly dealing with crisis management, which makes it hard to get the day-to-day stuff (security procedures, press releases) written. We’re already in the middle of Early Voting and managing 32 early voting sites that serve the 140 communities in suburban cook county. I can’t WAIT until this election is over.

    How did you happen to fire a fellow judge? I never heard that story!

  • Juliet
    October 24, 2006

    1. Sister Luck — The Black Crowes
    2. Somewhere Over The Rainbow — Eva Cassidy
    3. Turning Japanese — The Vapors
    4. The Way You Look Tonight – Billie Holiday
    5. The Letters — Leonard Cohen
    6. The Hideout – Sarah Harmer
    7. Cello Suite No.1, 2. Allemand — Yo-Yo Ma

  • Aurelio
    October 24, 2006

    Okay, this isn’t exactly a random selection, although it may seem so, but they are the last 6 CD’s in the car cassette left over from our road trip:

    1. Roy Orbison’s Greatest Hits
    2. The Brandenburg Concertos – Nos 1,2,3
    3. Early Ellington
    4. Edith Piaf – La Vie En Rose
    5. Stan Freeburg Presents The United States of America
    6. Doris Day – A Day at the Movies

    And as to diagnosing my brain here on LitPark – do you REALLY want to go there???

  • *Joe*
    October 24, 2006

    1) Colour of the Blues / Elvis Costello & The Attractions
    2) I’m Ready / Muddy Waters & Howlin’ Wolf
    3) I Fell in Love / Susan Tedeschi
    4) Prepositional Pronouns / German Level Two (disk one)
    5) I Thank You / Sam & Dave
    6) Cryin’ Shame / Lyle Lovett
    7) Dona nobis pacem / Ludwig van Beethoven (New Philharmonia Orchestra – Otto Klemperer conducting)

  • Kathy
    October 24, 2006

    I’m kind of cheating a little, since I don’t have an MP3 player, and I’m trying to keep my new computer free of downloads.

    I grabbed the first seven cds off the stack. (I never organize or alphabetize.)

    Knitters – Poor Little Critter on the Road
    Os Mutantes – Everything is Possible
    X – See How We Are
    The Best of Otis Redding
    Patti Smith – Trampin’
    Roky Erickson – Don’t Stop the Rock
    Beatles – Press Conferences 1964-1966 (from Uncut magazine)

    Yep, random and weird as always.

  • Maria
    October 24, 2006

    This is a really cool question; normally I’m just a fly on the wall here, but this time I feel compelled to chime in. Here goes:

    1) kidnapped by neptune, scout niblett
    2) what a fool believes, doobie brothers
    3) little girls, arab strap
    4) wish you were here, pink floyd
    5) bit 35, broadcast
    6) warm sheets, david byrne
    7) nobody but you, the black keys

  • Pia
    October 24, 2006


    1.The Modern Things – Bjork
    2.Nothing Can Be Done – Joni Mitchell
    3.I Haven’t Seen This Day Before – The Innocence Mission
    4.Even Here We Are – Paul Westerberg
    5.One More Song On The Radio We Won’t Like – Kathleen Edwards
    6.Me And My Chauffeur – Lucinda Williams
    7. The Train And The Gate – Leo Kottke

  • Terry
    October 24, 2006

    Puffy AmiYumi

    Furthermore… Danny Gregory! I adore that super duper guy. I’ll be here with bells on.

  • Susan Henderson
    October 25, 2006

    What totally fun, giddy music, t. Thanks for the link. I think Danny Gregory is tremendous, and I’m glad he’ll be here tomorrow.

    Shelley – You have Italian madrigals on your list? I’ll never forget that. It’s like you have your own theme song now.

    Gail – This is our last election with the booths and we move to computers next year but haven’t chosen which system yet. Yeah, it’s a tricky year for you to try new equipment because things are supposed to be close in Chicago. I’ll have to tell you the firing story in person. I’ll probably get in trouble blogging about it. (You think Obama would come to LitPark?)

    Juliet – Lots of nice mellow and moody stuff here. My shuffle came out very bouncy.

    Aurelio – Ooh, more Edith Piaf in the house.

    Joe – You totally cheated, didn’t you?

    Kathy – Three on your list I’ve never heard of and have to check them out. (I’m sampling everyone’s picks.)

    Maria – Welcome! I love meeting the flies on the wall!

    Pia – I love the way you introduce me to new artists.

  • *Joe*
    October 25, 2006

    Hey Susan. Thhhhhhppppppptttt!!!

    If I cheated, do you really think I would have had this one in my shuffle?

    “4) Prepositional Pronouns / German Level Two (disk one)”

    Yeah, I’m rockin’! I’m just glad you didn’t go as high as #8, “Anything Goes” by Helen Merrill

  • Ric Marion
    October 25, 2006

    Goodness! You all will be able to tell my age…

    No ipod –

    My Father’s Day CD – put together by youngest son

    The Rose – Bette Midler
    Me and Bobby McGee – Joplin
    Diamond and Rust – Joan Baez
    Maggie May – Rod Stewart
    Forever Young – 2 versions
    Joan Baez & Rod Stewart
    Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain – Willie Nelson
    That Summer – Garth Brooks
    Young – Kenny Chesney
    You Don’t Bring Me Flowers – Neil Diamond & Barbra Striesand
    City of New Orleans – Arlo Guthrie
    Beautiful Loser – Bob Seger

    Bob Seger on tour – finally – going to be a family Christmas present. So excited.


  • Kasper
    October 25, 2006

    Dear Aurelio:

    Stan Freberg’s THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is one of the great works of western civilization, and Mr. Freberg one of its great geniuses. I have been a devoted fan of SF since I was about eleven.


  • Gail Siegel
    October 25, 2006

    Obama at litpark. Hmmm. Maybe. I haven’t dealt with him since he went to the Senate. I’ll find out who to call.

  • Susan Henderson
    October 25, 2006

    Gail, Call me if you have any luck.

  • Keith@woollymammoth.
    October 26, 2006

    I don’t see how to get it to shuffle the listing, so this is from the Party Shuffle feature:

    Zap Mama – Zap Babies

    mindSpiral – Ecliptic

    sun-son-sound – the soundtrack from a Quicktime of of my toddler dancing to Jimi Hazel’s “Waiting for the Sun”

    You’re Gonna Die – Larry Picard/Keith Snyder/First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn Choir

    Soham – Dao

    Motorcade – Beck

    Lebanese Blonde – Thievery Corporation

    There are at least two in there that I haven’t heard yet.

  • Jessica
    October 26, 2006

    (i’m a friend of Robin’s and i saw your comments exchange on her blog and felt the need to check my itunes too)
    September in the Rain June Christie and the Kentones
    Bonedriven Bush
    Gone with the Wind Stan Freeman
    Gateway of Emptiness Beth Orton
    Earthquake Weather Beck
    Parklife (live) Blur
    You’re next Louis Armstrong and his Hot Five

  • annde
    October 26, 2006

    Oh how fun!
    Just found you all through Danny Gregory’s site.
    You all are FUN! 🙂

    1-XTC-No Thugs in our house

    2-Sheryl Crow & Chrissy Hinde live at Central Park-If it makes you happy


    4-Dave Matthews-You never know

    5-Dimitri Shostakovich-Romance

    6-Led Zepplin- LA Drone

    7-Dave Matthers-Lover Lay Down

    This is so interesting, I listen to playlists or books I have uploaded most of the time.
    These are all so ramdom, forgotten tunes on my iPod.
    It was like listening to all new music.

    Thanks for the Fun!


  • Susan Henderson
    October 27, 2006

    Keith – I love the jolt you get between your songs!

    Jessica – Welcome! Except for Beck and Beth Orton, I’m new to your list. I’ll go have a listen today.

    Annde – So nice to have you here! I happen to have a PhD in time-wasting, so whenever you want to have fun, come on over!

  • Betsy
    October 27, 2006

    I haven’t posted cuz I don’t have an ipod either and if I did I’d have to risk the Kelly Clarkson coming up next to the Sufjan Stevens and the Beck.

  • Michael D. Williams
    September 14, 2007

    1. Jesus Christ
    Woody Guthrie
    2. Atlantic City
    Bruce Springsteen
    3. Song for the man
    Beastie Boys
    4. Unforgiven
    5. Big tall man
    Liz Phair
    6. Kaw-Liga
    Hank Williams Jr.
    7. Fair Flowers of the Vally
    Tim O’Brien

    I’m surprised Willie Nelson didn’t show up,I have more of him than anyone.

  • Susan Henderson
    September 16, 2007

    I love seeing people’s random shuffles. Thanks for playing, Michael.

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