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That’s right! You are my special guest today!

By the time you read this, I will be knee-deep in Christmas preparations and family gatherings. In gratitude to all of you who hang out at LitPark and make this place what it is, here is your chance to pimp yourself, pimp a friend, list your website, show off a new publication, solicit MySpace friends, or anything of that nature.

All I ask is that you keep it to a paragraph or less.

I’ll start. Here’s my shout-out. It’s to Frank Daniels, expert riot starter and author of FUTUREPROOF. This is a book you can’t read passively. It grips you by the throat, it gets your blood pumping as you watch a fiesty kid strike out on his own after living at home becomes impossible. And as you see him spin in and out of relationships and spiral with heroin use, you alternately want to shout at him and cheer for him. In the end, you’ll learn as much as any of the characters in the book about the value of life, friendship, and hope for new beginnings. Fast-paced, raw, and highly recommended.

Okay, your turn.


Don’t forget: I will not be blogging again until the new year. I’ll be busy hanging with all my extended family. And if I could still fit into this little red dress, I would wear it for sure because it always made me feel great!

During my break, I’ll re-run a few oldies but goodies (they’ll appear on Wednesdays and Saturdays), and feel free to comment because those guests will surely stop by and read what you have to say. I’ll pop in if I can, and then I’ll be back properly on Monday, January 8th. Love to all of you.

Enjoy the holidays!

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  • Simon Haynes
    December 20, 2006

    I can be found here on Myspace, and anyone is welcome to send me a friend request. Everything you’ve heard about the place is probably correct, but there are good bits to be found too.

    I’d also like to mention that my third novel, Hal Spacejock Just Desserts, will be released in Australia on January 8th.

    Finally, to celebrate the second printing of Hal Spacejock (book 1), I’m giving copies away

    Thanks for the opportunity 😉

  • Ellen Meister
    December 20, 2006

    Meeeeeeee! What a fabulous choice, darling.

    Seriously, I think this was an inspired idea for today, and my first pimp is for Motorhead by Susan Henderson. It’s an Amazon short, and anyone who hasn’t read it should. Sue is a deft and brilliant writer, and it’s the best $.49 you’ll ever spend.

    And a quick self-serving pimp before I dash: Here’s the text of Sunday’s Newsday article about me and my book, Secret Confessions of the Applewood PTA.

  • Jordan
    December 20, 2006

    Wow, that is nice of you Sue! I would like to pimp a book for nature lovers by a wonderful, talented friend of mine: “Reading Water: Lessons from the River” by Rebecca Lawton. A gorgeous, lyrical musing of one of the first women river-guides in the Western US.

    As for me. I’d like it if you checked out (and told others about) Write Free: and the new Write Free newsletter.

  • Aurelio
    December 20, 2006

    Futureproof just got a huge RAVE on MySpace’s book-of-the-moment. Nice job, Frank!

    Three other books I personally recommend are:
    The Hoax, by Adrienne Jones, The Turning, by Paul J. Newell, and Randham Acts, by Matthew St. Amand

    Happy Holidays!

  • Lori Oliva
    December 20, 2006

    Happy Holidays!
    Let me start off by saying that I’m so happy to have a place to hang with all my new writer friends. I love reading your stories and input.

    Starting on Dec. 23, I’ll be chronicling the Cuban Christmas tradition of Noche Buena. It is a time where Latin families come together, roast a pig and celebrate Christmas.

    We start off with a marinading party on the 23rd, where the pig is the main star. We saturate the little guy in the Cuban marinade, “Mojo” while we drink, smoke cigars and reminisce about the old days. The celebrating carries on through the 24th, when we begin the pig roast and throughout the day, our friends and family drops by and celebrates into the night.

    It’s always fun and I thought I’d share a little Latin love with my friends.


  • Annie
    December 20, 2006

    I am a poet and writer interested in meeting other writers who might want to chat, share work, read my blog or my poems…

    I’m interested in the strange place inbetween poetry and prose… whatever you want to call it… prose poems, poetic prose, micro fiction, vignettes… and love the domestic/mundane/ordinary and how it can be intimate/illuminating/extraordinary…

    find me here come and visit.

  • Annie
    December 20, 2006

    this is the correct link

  • Bob Batchelor
    December 20, 2006

    Hello everyone, happy holidays! I have two books coming out in the next couple weeks. The first is an academic book on pop culture in the 1980s, aptly titled: The 1980s (Greenwood Press). I edited Literary Cash: Unauthorized Writing Inspired by the Legendary Johnny Cash, which is being published by BenBella Books. It is a collection of short stories “inspired” by Cash’s songs and original nonfiction essays that explore his life and influence. I like to think that Literary Cash is like a tribute album on paper…our way of showing our gratitude for JC. Check out the MySpace page for more information!


  • Grant Bailie
    December 20, 2006

    Wow, this and the Times person of the year in the same month. What a roll I am on.

  • Carolyn Burns Bass
    December 20, 2006

    I would like to shout out my 19-year-old daughter’s blog Bella Voce. Elisabeth, or Elle-chan as we called her when she was born in Japan, delighted me last year when she exercised the freshman tradition and changed her major from political science to English. She hasn’t lost her political charge—as you will see when you read her review of Blood Diamond in her blog—but she has found her voice through writing. You can also read my proud mama moment when I wrote of her in my blog Ovations back in September. You can find me here on MySpace, but Elisabeth has Facebook instead of MySpace.

  • Julie Ann Shapiro
    December 20, 2006

    Happy Holidays!

    I would like to promote my story collection, Flashes of the Other World. Here’s a short review from Void Magazine.

    Review by Rachel Edelman

    “Shapiro’s short-short story collection offers just what the title promises: glimpses into mysterious worlds where whipped cream and graham crackers have conversations, and death is always one breath away. Some of her shorter pieces double as peculiar little poems; others are more developed and explore what it’s like to become something beyond human and discover new abilities, responsibilities and fears. I noticed a sinister bend in the subject matter, but Shapiro balances the dark with the fanciful, transporting her dreams into mini-realities.”

    Flashes of the Other World is available from PulpBits.

  • Robin Slick
    December 20, 2006

    Oh, just go to my website and buy all my books and then go to my blog, click on all the links on the right hand side, and buy all of my friends’ books. There isn’t a bad one in the bunch.

    It’s as simple as that. (Ha ha – I am very selective about who I link)

    It’s been a very tough week for my family and me and whether you know it or not, the writers of LitPark helped me through it. I love you guys/gals.

    Happy holidays…peace and love to all.


  • n.l. belardes
    December 20, 2006

    Robin Slick, Susan Henderson, Brad Listi and Frank Daniels are my heroes. Show them love.

    It’s Christmas. I’d rather it be about them.

    Have a happy New Year!

  • Dennis Mahagin
    December 20, 2006

    A blessed Solstice to you, Susan. 🙂

    Thank you for creating and sustaining this one-of-a-kind website! Enjoy the break; you’ve certainly earned it.

    And LitParkers,

    If you wish,

    simply follow
    the bouncing


    —–> … … .. . .. …

    that lead you straight to my blog, which is now in imminent danger of morphing into a pure Denis Johnson Fan Site!

    Aight, then.

    Didn’t Tiny Tim say it best?

    God Bless Us Tulips, And Everyone Else, Too!

  • n.l. belardes
    December 20, 2006

    Oh! Another thing for you all. The Noveltown Review is starting up. Sorry, we can’t pay writers at this point, but we will market those who make the Review with our utmost passion and desire to promote fellow writers!

    We cross promote in blogs and in print in California’s Central Valley area.

    Shorts or chapter excerpts: 1000-1500 words.
    Poems: up to 500 words

    Deadline: ASAP

    The journal is going to either be monthly or bi-monthly and if you want to make the inaugural edition, then ASAP!!!!

    send to [email protected]

    Merry XMAS!

  • Claudia
    December 20, 2006

    Thank you Sue! Okay, I’m pimping away…

    In January, a story of mine will appear in W.W. Norton’s
    The New Sudden Fiction

    Also, Juked nominated my story “Virgins” for a Pushcart

    and I’ll pimp someone else’s work…Elizabeth Ellen’s Before You She Was a Pitbull (Future Tense Books)is out.

    Hope all the links work…Happy Holidays, xoxo under the mistletoe, hot chocolate, and Holiday delights…

  • Tish Cohen
    December 20, 2006

    Happy Holidays, Susan! And all of Susan’s LitPark friends!

    Let’s see if I can make this link live…
    Stop by and say hi. Tell me about your anxieties for a change.


  • Ronlyn Domingue
    December 20, 2006

    What a wonderful gesture, Susan! I can’t wait to check in now and then to see who has posted and what they have to share.

    THE MERCY OF THIN AIR is my beloved first baby, now in paperback. This part love story, part ghost story has connected me with readers across the globe; it’s been picked up in 11 other countries. I appreciate getting THEIR stories of love, friendship, and soothed grief. To learn more about the novel, visit my website at or search for it in bookstores or online.

    May your muses be generous and kind in 2007!!!

  • Greg
    December 20, 2006

    I discovered the work of Knut Hamsun early last year and am always trying to push his novels, particularly ‘Hunger’ (Robert Bly’s translation), ‘Pan’ and ‘Growth of the Soil.’

    I think ‘Hunger’ (1890) could be one of the most heart-breaking books on writing I’ve ever read.

    I’d also like to mention Brad Listi’s The Nervous Breakdown site where Susan, Frank Daniels, myself and a lot of great writers can be found.

    Happy Holidays!

  • Richard
    December 20, 2006

    Thanks, Susan. Happy holidays to all. And here is my MySpace page (if I’ve done the HTML correctly). I would love to hear from anyone, particularly if you’re currently incarcerated.

  • Lance Reynald
    December 21, 2006

    ok. ya’ll can find me here at the park and at my website you can keep track of me. I’ll also be out to NYC to show some support for the Memoirist at KGB Bar on the 16th of January (I think Henderson and I owe one another a drunken slurfest of self promotion by now).

    as for shoutouts:

    Certainly read and support all the writers I’ve had the pleasure of talking to at the Reynald’s Rap. I adore them all and hope to chat with even more in the new year.

    and a new one to keep an eye on;
    a dear friend in the real world and online; she’s coming into her own these days and she should have the audience for the bar she’s started to raise over at her myspace blog.

    (sheesh, that was more than a paragraph!)


  • patry
    December 21, 2006

    I think I did enough shouting over here last week.

    This week all I have to say is thank you for the haven that Lit Park has become.

    And happy holidays to all!

  • Rowan Martin
    December 21, 2006

    I’m in China, where Christmas remains a non-event, but I’m finding cheer here. Go see my blog for childish poetry and stories x

  • Lee
    December 21, 2006

    Since we’re swapping info:
    I have a word of the day blog on my myspace page. I’m trying to get more people to participate by posting, on my page or even theirs, short stories, poems, or philsophical rants using the word and definition provided. I always include my own example. Some are amusing, some, maybe not so much.
    Thanks for the Lit Park posts! I always enjoy reading what people leave on here!


  • Juliet
    December 21, 2006

    I’m with Patry… this is a great place to spin a few words together, and an awesome refuge to connect with one another. I hope you all have an awesome and restful holiday. And for those who do not celebrate Christmas, I hope you too have some space to rest and reflect on those you love.
    And, for those who would celebrate but have no one, feel free to stop by for virtual hot chocolate at my myspace. I’d be glad to know you.

  • Juliet
    December 21, 2006

    I think Lee’s html comment makes every click you make on the page go to her site. Quite accidental, OR a very shameless act of self-promotion. At any rate, in order to comment without launching over to her site, tab your way through the boxes…


  • Katrina Denza
    December 21, 2006

    Happy Holidays to you and yours, darlin!

  • Myfanwy Collins
    December 21, 2006

    I just want to say thank you, Susan. You and your guests have given me many hours of enjoyment. Here’s an early gift:

    A Child’s Christmas in Wales

  • Ric Marion
    December 21, 2006

    Happy Holidays to all.
    Susan has been kind enough to make room for an old duffer like me, here at Lit Park.

    Nothing to pimp – yet.

    Just following all the link in here is enough to make your head spin.


  • Anneliese
    December 22, 2006

    I’d like to pimp my friend’s new memoir, Shadows On A Nameless Beach

    I’d also like to pimp another friend’s recently published “Portraits of Pescadero,” a historical profile of the town of Pescadero, CA.

    Finally, I’d like to pimp NPR’s “Song of the Day” from earlier this week – David Crosby, 1971 – this song will inspire you while working on your project.

    I have nothing personally to pimp because I’m currently researching and then writing it.

    Season’s Greetings everyone!

  • Myfanwy Collins
    December 22, 2006

    Argh. Don’t know why my link didn’t work. Here it is again:

  • Julie Ann Shapiro
    December 22, 2006

    I’ll also add the link to many of the Zoetrope author books.

    Happy Holidays!

  • Lee
    December 22, 2006

    “I think Lee’s html comment makes every click you make on the page go to her site. Quite accidental, OR a very shameless act of self-promotion. At any rate, in order to comment without launching over to her site, tab your way through the boxes…”

    I’m sorry,am I missing something?

  • Susan Henderson
    December 22, 2006

    Hey, everyone, what a wonderful thing to see the news and links you shared.

    Regarding the faulty links – there was one (not Lee’s, though it doesn’t matter, it was clearly accidental) that had the wrong coding at the end so the link never closed. I fixed the problem. Writers are not necessarily experts in writing html code, and that’s fine with me. I’m happy to do repairs when I spot them.


  • mikel k poet
    December 22, 2006

    My pick as artists of the year are The Memoirists Collective,


    four writers who not only understand the art of self-promotion, but who, also,are decent enough to promote other writers and offer them opportunities in the often closed-door world of finding an agent and finding a publisher,

    and not only that, but the four books that they have written,are dynamic and interesting, each in its own special way:

    1)FALLING THROUGH THE EARTH by Danielle Trussoni


    Danielle’s dad comes home from Vietnam, like so many men did:
    shot out and near incapable of functioning in the “real” world.
    His marriage falls apart and his daughter, Danielle, decides to
    stay with him and grows up quite unlike any other kid in America. Her love for her Dad is touching, her tales of life with Dad
    intense. This is a book that I couldn’t put down. It’s out in paperback, now. I love the new cover.

    2)THE YEAR OF YES by Maria Dahvana Headley


    This is a very tender, touching and funny book. Can you imagine being a woman, who, for a year, says yes to every man that asks you out, especially if you are living in New York City at the time?
    This book has a happy ending and many, many beautiful scenes that lead up to it. If you like to smile, pick this one up.

    3)Queen of the Oddballs by Hillary Carlip


    Hillary Carlip grew up Hollywood. She didn’t ride around in limos with her panties off. This book is hilarious. Hillary stalks famous female singers and seeks fame and fortune on the Gong show. This book has heart and soul and will make you laugh your ass off.Blow off the E channel for a night or two and read this book. Who cares what Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump have to say: tune into Hillary Carlip, queen of the oddballs.

    4)I Am Not Myself These Days: A Memoir by Josh Kilmer Purcell

    Ru Paul has been my friend for over two decades, now, so I thought that I knew a lot about drag queens, but Josh Kilmer Purcell has taught me a thing or two about, not only drag queens, but life itself, outside the box,in this hilarious and heart-touching book.

    Josh Kilmer Purcell wore gold fish bowls of some sort, with live goldfish in them, as breasts when he was in drag and then stumbled into his job at an advertising agency each morning much like Augusteen Burroughs did. You’d have to be crazy to not read this book even if you are a man who never plans to don a dress.


  • Juliet
    December 22, 2006

    As I said to you this morning (MR. Lee) I thought it was either pure genius or like the rest of us, solely the issue that (like myself) writers of words aren’t always the best writer of code. I do apologize for saying it was you (though hopefully you got some pimpin’ from it).
    At any rate, it connected us, and for that I’m happy.

  • Greg
    December 22, 2006

    I’d like to meet more of you writers on MySpace. I often post on books and reading and have been disappointed in the lack of conversation over there.

    Please feel free to stop by my place and pick up a discussion.

    Thanks, Susan!

  • Susan Henderson
    December 22, 2006

    Mikel K – I want to add on to yours with a second shout-out to Hillary, who made a donation to charity in my name, and I thought that was the sweetest thing ever.

    Juliet – Just wanted you to know I’m grateful to you for pointing out the glitch because it was certainly overwriting everyone else’s links. I was also very glad to know it was an accident.

    Greg – If you guys don’t know Greg, you should.

  • Avital Gad-Cykman
    December 22, 2006

    Hey Sue, I’m glad you decided to dedicate this one to US. I love US. 😉
    I don’t have links to books or stuff like that, but I wonder if anyone here recommended ZOETROPE to the writers among US. is a life changing site for US. It makes you write, write better, write even more, give up, go back, write again…You meet writers, read, review, gossip, talk about life and literature, leave it forever, come back the next day…In short, I warmly recommend it.
    Wonderful holidays!!!

  • Lee
    December 22, 2006

    Thanks for fixing the link Susan! I hope that some of you were able to take advantage of the glitch-in-my-favor and read some of my blogs!
    If anyone hasn’t been to Juliet’s page, it is very well done and the poetry I’ve read so far is beautiful and makes me happy about the glitch!
    I have to say that I LOVE this Lit Park forum, but man, I get OVERWHELMED!
    If I don’t get to chat here again, I hope everyone has a great holiday! Keep posting, I’ll read it eventually, and most importantly, keep writing!

  • Juliet
    December 22, 2006

    Thanks, Lee.
    I’m offering the book to my myspace friends at a $3.00 cheaper rate than if you buy it in a store. That includes postage.
    So, feel free to stop by.

  • Kelley Bell
    December 31, 2006

    From w3hat I can see, ya-all are good company, so I’ll Chime In.
    My site is Kelley Bell’s For Whom the Bell Tolls

    Where he door to the bell tower is always open.

  • No Record Press
    April 18, 2007

    No Record Press is dedicated to publishing promising literary works by previously-unknown writers. Our mission is to make available, for public consideration and benefit, noteworthy works by new writers that, for various reasons, may find it difficult to interest mainstream publishers.

    We publish novels and an annual print anthology of short stories.

  • Kim Brittingham
    May 14, 2007

    ME? LitPark’s special guest today? Who’da thunk it! I feel privileged. Sincerely!

    I contribute a regular blog to The Memoirists Collective’s MySpace page.

    I also spend as much time as possible in The Writers Room, hunkered down over my own memoir-in-progress, tentatively titled “Parking Backwards”.

    I get a kick outta contributing essays to sites like Fresh Yarn and interviews with memoirists to the likes of Memoirville, a project of SMITH magazine.

    My Big Dreams are to 1) publish several books, and 2) help make other peoples’ dreams come true. You know, kinda like how Oprah does it: “YOU get a car and YOU get a car and YOU get a car!”

    I also perform very affordable creativity/career coaching for women in the arts, which is especially gratifying.

    So happy to be acquainted with LitPark! XO

  • Billy Bones
    August 2, 2010

    If I had only known you were interviewing me, I would have responded years ago.

    My name is Billy Bones, and I am the imaginary doings of one Christopher Lincoln. If you would like to find out more about me and Mr. Lincoln go to:


Susan Henderson