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Question of the Week: Friends' Success

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You and your group of writer friends have been struggling in the business for years – workshopping each others’ stories, crying together through all of the rejections. Now, finally, your friend gets that break that seemed like it would never come! And you feel . . . . ?


My pal James Spring has the enviable job of working regularly with Ira Glass for This American Life. But his real desire is to find a publisher for his book.

Wednesday, James will take you organic grocery shopping with author, Amy Wallen, his friend whose debut novel has just made the bestseller list. And he’ll address the issue of watching friends get where you want to be. See you then!


P.S. Ira Glass is #1 on LitPark’s wishlist. Number one.

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  • n.l. belardes
    February 26, 2007

    This sounds like a cool topic…

  • Simon Haynes
    February 26, 2007

    ‘Best of luck to them’ tinged with ‘hope it happens for me too’

    Every book is unique and they’re not usually competing with each other. Therefore it’s easy to feel happy at someone else’s good fortune. Of course, if we were all buying lottery tickets and someone you know won, you could feel as jealous as you wanted.

  • amy
    February 26, 2007

    I’d like to believe I’d be happy if it was a close friend. But I can say from experience that when a college acquaintance has produced _two_ best selling, critically acclaimed novels and has a movie deal lined up all before age 30, when I’m still struggling to get people to look at my MS, well… it can be hard to stay positive.

  • Ellen Meister
    February 26, 2007

    I’ve always felt proud, delighted and sometimes even ecstatic when my friends have publishing success. (They’re all so talented, after all.) It never feels like anyone’s taken some precious “slot” that could have been mine. I just don’t view the business like that. As tough as it is, I think there’s room for all of us. Likewise, I get the sense my friends are happy for my success.

    Now, when someone who’s been an arrogant or demeaning creep has success, that’s a different story. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen too often. (Can you say “Karma”?)

  • Ania
    February 26, 2007

    I hope I’d be happy for them. Though I’d probably feel, deep, deep down, slightly disappointed that it wasn’t me. But it should also be motivating and uplifting that you can really make it after all, if you work hard enough, so I know I would get a kick out of it.

  • *Joe*
    February 26, 2007

    This is really weird synchronicity. About a week ago, I was going to suggest the topic of professional jealousy to you. Very strange. Though I’m happy when I see any of my friends succeed, I’d be a liar to say I’m never jealous, especially if they break through a door I’ve been banging my head against for awhile. It’s natural. I don’t wish them ill or anything like that, I’d just like a genie to take away everything they have and give it to me. Just kidding.

    A family friend is a successful author (gross understatement) and she has helped her daughter to write several commercially successful books herself. Some day’s I’m a bit jealous of that leg-up she’s got. The name recognition doesn’t hurt her either. But then I say to myself, if I didn’t know this person would I feel the same way? Probably a bad example but that’s where my mind took me this morning.

  • Myfanwy Collins
    February 26, 2007

    I’m ditto-ing what Ellen M. said.

  • kim teeple
    February 26, 2007

    One of the greatest pleasures I’ve enjoyed, I ‘ve found through writing, has been my “writing friends”– Above all else, if writing has given me nothing else, it’s brought the most amazing, talented, and generous people into my life. I feel incredibly blessed to have known these folks. So, when a friend, or any writer achieves success I can honestly say I celebrate.

    Oh, and if they actually sell something, you know, a few books, then, hahahaha dinner is on them. They be buyin’!

    Also, this might be something that could be of interest but I Do have a friend that is taking the literary world by storm and I’m all too happy to support his efforts, and his books. Well, because, I really have a hankerin’ for a nice prime rib dinner at Nyes Polonaise room…hint hint…

    Check him out:

    P.S. Thank you so much Susan for letting me plug(and support) one of my successful friends!

  • Richard
    February 26, 2007

    It’s always thrilling when your friends achieve success, especially if it means they can now pay back the money you lent them.

  • Gail Siegel
    February 26, 2007

    I have so many friends and acquaintances whose books have been bestsellers, or have gone up for auction in the 6 figure range, that I’ve had to think about this a lot. Some of them are magnificent people and others, not.

    I find that I am NOT jealous of their success. It’s very encouraging to me that people I know can achieve such things. It seems that much more doable.

    But I also find that I am exceptionally jealous — often to the point of despair — of their lives. That they’ve had time to write when I do not, or money so that they don’t have to work fulltime+ (amounting to the same thing) when I do not is what crushes me, and make me feel, quite often, utterly hopeless.

    I know that they only period of my life when I was productive as a writer was when I was able to work 4 days a week. I no longer have that luxury.

    So, these successes, as they come, are reminders to me that if I can’t figure out a way to have time, I will never finish anything. And cracking that puzzle still eludes me.

  • Juliet
    February 26, 2007

    First of all, tell James to email me re: publisher. We’ll see what we can work out.

    Secondly, I think we all share in the joy and success of our friends, but there is undoubtedly some sort of tenderness that comes of wondering “what about me?”
    Years ago, friends of mine were having babies out the wazu (literally) and I was recovering from my third miscarriage. Was I happy for them? Overjoyed. Truly. But that didn’t stop me from needing to feel my way through the questions.
    What’s remarkable about my friends was that they knew this, and didn’t avoid the subject. Because of that, neither did I.
    In the end, although they have many other children, those whose lives matched the death of mine are especially dear to me.
    Because in it, there was freedom to celebrate AND grieve.

    It’s like that with writers, too. We birth things which have so much of us written in each stroke. And so when one of us succeeds there is a need to recognize their celebration, and also, nothing wrong with saying “but man, I want to be there one day too.”

    It’s the jealousy that kills, not the grief.

    The idea that there isn’t enough to go around.
    That’s what causes the problem.

    Anyhow, I look forward to Wednesday’s reading.

  • Betsy
    February 26, 2007

    I love this topic and all the comments have been great so far. Here’s why I love this topic: A writer named Nina Solomon (Single Wife) has been my best friend since seventh grade. (For more grisly and embarrassing details, check out my essay in the new anthology When I Was A Loser.) Nina and I have both been writing since elementary school, but life being what it will, both of us took a circuitous route to publishing and weirdly ended up getting our first book deals within about three months of each other, the year we both turned 40. The deal is that at first, I thought Nina might get her deal first, and I did feel a pang of envy, which isn’t really my big M.O. by and large. As it turned out, I got my deal before she did, and Nina (who I always describe as a much nicer person than me), could not have been more thrilled, gracious, and excited for me. Had she gotten hers first, I knew I would have of course felt delighted for her as well, but inside mixed with a bunch of ‘why is it so easy for everyone else and not for me, waaaah’ sort of self-pity and fear. The way it worked out – it was just an amazing thing to go through with your best friend of nearly 30 years – and she threw me a fancy, catered book party in her CPW apartment that was pretty overwhelmingly awesome. We were very Carrie Bradshaw that night. (Nina would tell you I’m Miranda, but I think I’m more Carrie minus the Manolos and that she’s Charlotte.)
    That said, I do get pangs of envy when I see writers getting big profiles of them in their fabulous loft apartments or whatever in the New York Times or wherever, cuz, you know, I’m human.

  • Mary Akers
    February 26, 2007

    I think it depends on the relationship. If it’s someone I admire, who I know has struggled and clawed their way to the top, I’m thrilled. Truly. And it gives me hope for myself. (As well as the occasional pang of worry that I must be doing something wrong–that there is a magic key I haven’t yet discovered.)

    Sometimes, though, there’s that someone you try not to think your writing is better than, but you do. And that person seems to get attention and a big advance without even trying, and tosses it off with an attitude of, “What? This old book? Why I just threw those letters on the page…” I find that to be exquisitely painful.

    But actually, now that I think of it, none of my friends are like that, so “friends” must be the operative word. I suppose the answer is: Friends, I’m happy for; people I hardly know, they piss me off.

  • mikel k poet
    February 26, 2007

    No one close to me has busted out in the field of literature. I was a music writer for a long time and two close friends of mine became huge superstars with their song writing and singing abilities.

    It seems, in evaluating this question in light of this, that it really depended on the attitude of each friend, once he started getting his picture in the paper and on the internet all over the world, as to whether we remained friends and as to whether my tender little ego got bashed because he “made it” and I didn t.

    One friend, the one who is the far huger superstar, hasn t changed much. When I go to NYC, I hang out with him, like it was the old days in Atlanta, only these days we are drinking coffee and not swallowing LSD.

    The other “friend” got too big or too busy or too something for me, one day no longer returning emails or phone calls, so he is not a friend.

    You can never know how things will work out, once things change, once you or your pals hit the “big time,” because things will change, now won t they, once you have complete strangers wandering into your personal space and wanting you to sign napkins.

    I hope that all my friends “make it.” I feel like I have “made it,” though I never made it to the cover of the Stoned Roller.

  • Julie Ann Shapiro
    February 26, 2007

    I heard Amy Wallen speak last weekend at a local writers conference and she was a delight. It took her eight years to get the novel published.

    I’ve felt jealous of strangers, not so much for friends. If anyone of my close friends got a book deal I’d be really happy for them because I know their journey and how hard it’s been. But when strangers get that deal and make it appear effortlessly or come off as arrogant it’s a another thing.

  • Aline Brandão
    February 26, 2007

    I was thinking about that, like, *yesterday*. Are you into reading random minds or something?

    I haven´t published anything yet, but I have this writing group with some college friends and we are planning to put a book out there soon. Since I´m not the only one in the group with dreams of becoming a pro writer, I was wondering what would it be like if they got there before I did.

    But then, knowing my friends, we´d probably squee and fangirl each other ´s achievements to the grave.

  • Kelly Spitzer
    February 26, 2007

    Hopeful. I’d feel hopeful. Unless it’s the first thing they’ve written, and then they just piss me off.

  • n.l. belardes
    February 26, 2007

    Without successful people, I would never be inspired or driven… From the Indie Publisher perspective, I hope all the books we publish become fruitful. Whether or not the folks are my friends, it still means I got to help someone with their dream. How cool is that?

    The Noveltown blog is all about promoting the DIY people in the arts who I have met… I want the people around me to be successful, famous, but not pretentious jerks as Ellen pointed out.

    Three cheers for Ellen!

  • Carolyn Burns Bass
    February 26, 2007

    When we remove ourselves from the center of the stage, there is plenty of room to celebrate the success of others.

    It’s always when I compare myself, my product, or my journey to another person, be it friend or stranger, that I get envious. I don’t begrudge them success, but like Gail and Juliet expressed, I just wonder when it will be my turn in the center ring.

  • Kaytie
    February 26, 2007

    So far I haven’t felt anything but thrills knowing friends and acquaintances are enjoying success. As Simon mentioned above, usually books are not in direct competition (except for certain awards, I guess) so it’s easy to feel excited for someone.

    If it really came down to “him or me, winner take all,” I would undoubtedly feel differently.

  • Jonathan Evison
    February 26, 2007

    . . .i’ve got a ton of experience with this one, dating back to my days as a teenage punk rocker . . . my bandmates and friends went on to pearl jam and soundgarden . . . a number of my writer friends have landed big advances in the past few years. . . i always view it as confirmation that these things actually happen to people, and that if i keep my shoulder to the wheel my number will come up eventually, and whatever my trajectory may be, it is the trajectory i was meant to follow . . .

  • Juliet
    February 26, 2007

    Sure do miss Lance

  • LaurenBaratz-Logsted
    February 26, 2007

    I’m on the bench with those who never resent the success of friends but do resent the success of jerks.

  • Robin Slick
    February 26, 2007

    I’m late to the party on this one and most of you have covered what I would say, especially Ellen.

    I don’t know if I get jealous…I think it’s more like I get depressed because I’m really hard on myself and because, well, that’s my personality. Is it just me or are a lot of writers depressive? Nah, really? I’ll read a brilliant line in a book by one of you (Ellen, again ha ha) and beat myself up and say — I should give up…I can’t write anything as stellar as this — but then I realize, it’s the people who think/say “I’m brilliant, I’m literary, I should be famous” that are usually the crap writers.

    Anyway, I’m trying to change and look at all the positives in my life instead of focusing on negatives and walking around depressed. I have so many cool, cool things going on and yeah, I do have a couple of books published though I’m not exactly a household name. One thing I do know is that it’s totally unrealistic and ridiculous to write with fame and fortune in mind. Although…I write every day so that I keep improving and can at least fantasize about being on the NYT best seller list one day and having that awesome flat in London.

    Okay, I’m going back to bed. Which one of you gave me the flu?

  • Robin Slick
    February 26, 2007

    P.S. Susan: I got you Gaiman. If I get you Ira Glass, what’s in it for me?

    I have a plan, you see…

  • Julie Ann Shapiro
    February 26, 2007

    Sometimes it’s sadness I feel in the wake of other’s success as Robin touched upon. There’s that “why not me dance tune that plays” and ‘why can’t we share this together?” Then I realize I can share the success and learn along on their journey.
    But man oh man – this awakened the sad bug in me. But hey – I’m a gemini and for every moment of sadness there’s a happy moment too.

  • Aimee
    February 26, 2007

    I don’t have any day to day friends that write for a living. I’d like to think I’d be thrilled for their success. However, I know I’d be a bit bitter and jealous. I’d never let it show though.

  • Robin Slick
    February 26, 2007

    Aw, Julie, I don’t get sad/depressed over the success of other people. Not at all. I’m thrilled for them, actually, because as someone else here said, that means there’s hope for all of us. I get depressed because I suffer from self-doubt. I never think my writing is good enough and I think I mentioned this before, but I’m so obsessive about my said writing that I actually go back and edit something that has already been published. But no, I never think “Why not me?”…it’s more like “Will I ever have enough confidence in myself to really allow myself the NYT best seller fantasy and go for it?” (Meaning…dig down deep and create something I honestly believe is worthwhile and the best I’ve ever written). It’s funny — even when I’ve read glowing reviews of my books, my gut reaction is: Who paid these people?

  • EminemsRevenge
    February 26, 2007

    My seventh grade teacher used to lecture us on how in life there are no friends, just acquaintances…like the snake that bite you on the ass, you find out who your TRUE friends are once you write a book.

  • Julie Ann Shapiro
    February 26, 2007

    Sorry I misunderstood you Robin. A lot of change is going on in my life right now and it’s easy to get sad and a bit dismayed by the whole success wagon. But exercise, meditation and writing help immensely.

  • Greg
    February 26, 2007

    I’m totally the jealous type. Wish I wasn’t!

  • MOM
    February 26, 2007

    Do any of you females remember, or was it just in the olden days, being at a dance and after a long wait, some boy asked the person next to you to dance? It was really hard to be happy for her because of a feeling of rejection, but if it was your best friend–well, then you knew her heart was vulnerable like yours, and you were glad that she could feel included. Later, the friend would assure you that it was just random luck that she was chosen and not you.

  • n.l. belardes
    February 27, 2007

    After all this depression talk, maybe Robin doesn’t really have the flu…

    Just jarshin’

    I can say that from here. I’m thousands of miles away, so she can’t throw up on me.

    Mom: I think you just dated yourself…

  • Terry Bain
    February 27, 2007

    Sounds like a letter-writing campaign to me. “Dear Ira.” Of course, I think an interview with anybody named Ira would be perfect. Just peachy.

    Go get ‘im, Sue.

    Again soon.

  • Susan Henderson
    February 27, 2007

    Ooh, what a wonderful discussion. I’m going to jump in tomorrow – I’m behind on some things right now and have to do those first – but I’ll respond to my mom tonight because she’s my mom:

    I love (and relate to) the story of the dance. And there’s a strange sorrow whichever friend you are – whether you’re the one who’s chosen or the one left standing along the wall. It’s always uncomfortable to have more or less. One feels they can’t show their grief and the other feels they can’t show their joy.

  • Bernita
    February 27, 2007

    I’m usually pleased for them and encouraged.
    But my attitude may change depending on how they act after they get the deal.
    Some become a real pain in the piriformis.

  • ellen meister
    February 27, 2007

    Reading the comment from Sue’s mom helps me understand where she gets it from. That hit me right where I live.

  • Ric Marion
    February 27, 2007

    Jealous, but I try to use that to kick myself in the ass and push harder for my own success.
    Robin, I have this kick ass cold – are you responsible?


  • Robin Slick
    February 27, 2007

    Ric, I will gladly trade you my, err, bucket for your box of tissues. But at least I know I don’t have anything fatal after all — my son contracted the very same thing last evening. Luckily we have two bathrooms and two laptops and 18 buckets.

    But hmmm…who do you suppose we should blame for all of our ills?

  • Tish Cohen
    February 27, 2007

    I’m with Robin. I’m happy for my friends, extremely so, but am sometimes left covered in a film of self doubt. Sometimes it scrubs off easily, sometimes not so much.

  • Juliet
    February 27, 2007

    I suspect we’re all hardest on ourselves, and so when we get shot down, something dies. Perhaps the success of others oughtn’t be thought of as another “down” but like life-support for our dreams.

  • Jordan
    February 27, 2007

    Wow, I see I’m late to this conversation. This is one of those tricky questions, like being asked if you think you’re beautiful.

    I, too, have the great fortune of being friends with published authors. Their stories are painfully educational, when you learn that just getting published doesn’t bring fame and glory, but more hard work. Being published is not the reward. I have done a lot of cheering in the last couple years for these folks, and I delightedly promote their books in any way I can.

    That said, I’ve had my share of jealousy, no doubt about it. But mostly when I wasn’t doing the work myself, so I was, essentially, coveting more successful people.

    I think I feel like both Robin Slick–lots of self-doubt, and like Gail Siegel, that I envy the life a certain kind of success can bring, not the person.

  • n.l. belardes
    February 27, 2007

    Juliet: that was a cool comment you just made: “life-support for our dreams”.

    Any way you look at the topic, it’s about dreaming…

    Susan: Might be interested in my latest blog topic, “The Making of an Indie Press Part One. Is it self-publishing? And what’s the DIY battle in the literary world all about?”

    All you readers on here are welcome to stop by, comment, throw rocks, punches, kisses, whatever you wanna…

  • Jason Boog
    February 27, 2007

    I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to see 40 people being honest about their feelings about success and friendship. Out here in New York, it can get pretty overwhelming watching your friends succeed. But the worst part is sitting at home that night, feeling terrible about feeling those feelings about your friends. It’s so great to see we aren’t alone…

  • Susan Henderson
    February 27, 2007

    fyi – Your LitPark host will be on strike until Aurelio checks in.

  • Daryl
    February 27, 2007

    I think I may have had the same 7th grade teacher EminemsRevenge had because ever since 7th grade I’ve become less and less attached to (and dependent) on other people. I fight to make and keep friends. And today I would say I have about 3 really good friends (who have been in the making over a 30 year period). The rest definitely fall into the acquaintance category. Not to say that I am not open to making new friendships but if people aren’t going to work with me chances are I’ll let go and fade away… the pain of wanting to be liked and included and understood, then to not be, has given me enough sadness to write tomes.

    As for comparing myself, my successes (or lack of) to other writers? I don’t do it. Because no one can write what I write. The success of my writing is in another person reading it and feeling moved.

  • Aurelio
    February 28, 2007

    Okay Susan, sheesh!!! (Gettin’ so a guy can’t write a book around here anymore…)

    I heartily applaud the success of others, as long as it is deserved. My parents drummed fair play into me pretty hard, so I bristle when people succeed because of who they know (or do) rather than for the work itself.

    Fortunately, those successes don’t really seem to last if the work is genuinely sucky, so I’m learning to cope better and let time root them out. Getting older does have its good side.

    Success, or what we choose to point to as success, is usually the fleeting part anyway, isn’t it? Best-seller lists change, we break the tape, get to yell “bingo” for a split-second, get the cup that then sits on the mantel collecting dust.

    The part that sticks with me is the building of something, that creative process stuff.

    And that can only really be measured by ourselves.

    I would love to make a lot of money though…

  • Mary Akers
    February 28, 2007

    Hey, Jordan, I think you’re beautiful.

  • Susan Henderson
    February 28, 2007

    Wow, wow, wow. Well, first of all, you guys are wonderful. I always tell people that LitPark is all about the comments section and the hearts and intelligence and silliness and passion that goes on in it, and you proved my case once again.

    Second, I’m glad Aurelio finally checked in (even if it was only to call me a pest) because I didn’t want to have to go on strike.

    Okay, to your comments…

    n.l. – Interesting that the success of friends makes you more driven. I hadn’t considered that before. I’m very excited about what you’re doing over there with Noveltown! I think you guys are going to be big.

    Simon – I think the number of years between the “I hope it happens for me” might be big here. This whole conversation is fascinating to me and much fuller than I expected.

    amy – You are not alone there. I think the search for an agent part of the process might be the most demoralizing of all. (Some day, I’ll post my opinion about agents. When I’m feeling more courageous.)

    Ellen – I do happen to think there are a precious few slots – for the big books, anyway, the Rushdie-popular books. But I also think each time a friend makes it, it shows the strength that the company you keep is pushing you to write at a higher level, and you get that much more insider information that helps you navigate the system.

    Ania – Welcome to LitPark!

    *Joe* – I’m going to do mind-reading in the future. I’ll be digging around in the back corners of your brain looking for goodies. Hey, did you ever sell your 9-11 piece? If not, I know someone for you to talk to.

    Myf – Hi!

    Kim – I’ll check out that link. And I agree, there’s nothing like having writer/artist friends. They get it. The whole journey.

    Richard – Hee.

    Gail – And the flip side, the thing I struggle with, which is I would love for my writing to earn an income so I could give something back to my family. I don’t need my lifestyle to change so much as to feel I’m contributing.

  • Susan Henderson
    February 28, 2007

    Juliet – That’s a beautiful point. I might have to quote you on Friday. (I’ll let James know about the rest of your note.)

    Betsy – That sounds like an absolutely awesome friendship. How lucky you both found success at the same time … and rare.

    Mary – You know what, though, we both know someone who got that big advance a short story deal right out of the gates, and I felt a joy like I’ve never felt that finally it happened the way you always dreamed it could. That you could be young and a great writer and have the process take it easy on you and not have to suffer the years of doubt and having one door after another slammed in your face. I was surprised, in fact, that I didn’t feel jealous. But I did feel like, damn, if it could only work like that more often.

    mikel k – Yep, fame and success sure helps to show the strengths and gaps in friendships. I enjoy reading your poems each day, by the way. I haven’t stopped by to tell you in a while, but thanks for putting yourself out there without the filters.

    Julie – I’m so glad you got to see Amy read. I’m jealous!

    Aline – Welcome! And here’s to you writing something you can’t wait to send out!

    Kelly – Ha!

  • Susan Henderson
    February 28, 2007

    Carolyn – I think you’ve given me a title for Friday’s Weekly Wrap.

    Kaytie – My friends and I have often been in direct competition – in talks with a publisher and they sign a friend, winners v. finalists in writing competitions, and so on. The friendships are all still there, so I guess there’s no long term damage, but it can sting, whichever end of it you’re on – bride or bridesmaid.

    Jonathan – You need to talk to Robin Slick. I have a feeling your paths have crossed.

    Lauren – Ha! I love those of you who tell it like it is.

    Robin – Yes yes yes. It’s the self-doubt that stings. That they are good and talented and you suck. I know exactly where you’re coming from.

    Aimee – We’re not your friends??

    EminemsRevenge – I agree, you certainly find out who’s who once you have some success.

    Greg – Yeah, but you’ll be one of those young, handsome lucky ones who breaks through early and then we’ll all hate you.

    MOM – XO!

    Terry – When I want to interview someone, I usually just post it on the blog with a link, and if they get in touch it’s a go. I always like proactive and enthusiastic types. If I have to work too hard, I lose interest.

    Bernita – I need to go look up “piriformis”.

  • Susan Henderson
    February 28, 2007

    For those who didn’t know what Bernita meant by “piriformis,” this is from the Rice Univ sports medicine site:

    The piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the buttocks and referring pain along the course of the sciatic nerve. This referred pain, called “sciatica”, often goes down the back of the thigh and/or into the lower back. Patients generally complain of pain deep in the buttocks, which is made worse by sitting, climbing stairs, or performing squats. The piriformis muscle assists in abducting and laterally rotating the thigh. In other words, while balancing on the left foot, move the right leg directly sideways away from the body and rotate the right leg so that the toes point towards the ceiling. This is the action of the right piriformis muscle.

    ellen – Isn’t my mom cool? I like her.

    Ric – I think this is what it does for me, too – I push harder.

    Tish – Mine doesn’t usually scrub off.

    Jordan – Amen to that. Listen to the journeys of most writers and they’re tough. The worst would be to finally get published and not have your friends reading and promoting your work. Saying “yay” is not enough at all.

    Jason – Yep, aren’t they cool? And guys, if you haven’t checked out Jason’s blog, The Publishing Spot, you’re missing out.

    Daryl – Wow, I think what you said about friends/acquaintances applies to my feelings about writing much of the time: “the pain of wanting to be liked and included and understood, then to not be, has given me enough sadness to write tomes.”

    I’m going to steal this for Friday’s Wrap: “The success of my writing is in another person reading it and feeling moved.”

    Aurelio – I’m glad you’re writing away! xo

    Mary – I agree. Jordan’s a beauty.

  • Jordan
    March 1, 2007

    Mary, admit it, you said that just to hear me say, “don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.”

    I won’t do it.


  • Bruce Hoppe
    March 1, 2007

    I don’t have any writer friends with book deals but I have one that I think should be signed. Now that I see what I’ve said (Was it E.M. Forster who said, How can I know what I think until I see what I say?”) I guess that answers the question. How would I feel? Vindicated.

    And to n.l., my approach is similar to yours (DIY with our own Imprint see we keep this Indie trend up and, what?, one or two hundred years it won’t matter who got what book deal. Right?

  • […] * Writer Communities * Hope * Now What? * Independent Press * Generosity * Nice! * Zodiac * Style * Professional Jealousy * AWP * Controversy * Hair * 80s * Luck * Collaboration * The Pitch * Vacation * Balancing Art and […]

  • […] * Writer Communities * Hope * Now What? * Independent Press * Generosity * Nice! * Zodiac * Style * Professional Jealousy * AWP * Controversy * Hair * 80s * Luck * Collaboration * The Pitch * Vacation * Balancing Art and […]

Susan Henderson