Here’s the premise of TOWN HOUSE, the novel by Tish Cohen that sold to FOX movie producers before it was picked up by HarperPerennial:
Jack Madigan lives in the delapidated, mammoth town house owned by his dead …
Here’s the premise of TOWN HOUSE, the novel by Tish Cohen that sold to FOX movie producers before it was picked up by HarperPerennial:
Jack Madigan lives in the delapidated, mammoth town house owned by his dead …
People have asked me before if I’m really up blogging at midnight, and the answer is, No. I just set my blogs to load automatically, and right now, as this is loading, I’m at a friend’s house for a bonfire. I brought some tricky bits from my novel with me because that’s where …
Usually, if you’re talking to a writer, the term “close call” refers to a manuscript that’s made it to the final rounds. The rejection letter typically reads like a love note. And still, the bottom line is, No. Another door closes.
Most of us would opt for the other type of close call …