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Weekly Wrap: Where We Live.

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You want to know who won the link-to-Tommy-Kane contest? You’ll have to get to the end of this post to find out who, and what she won.

Quick wrap this week because I am working like crazy to hit my deadline for novel edits, which has included the following activities:

1. curling up in a ball and crying for 2 days with no idea of where to start
2. pacing and crying for a day with a couple of mediocre thoughts
3. getting this total hot-shot idea and rolling up my sleeves, knowing it’s going to be great
4. sobbing again – you know how rewrites go

Is this the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen? I have this picture sitting very close to where I work because I want something about this joy to find its way into my book. If you want to know who this person is, you can click on either of my MySpace pages and listen to him sing. He makes me happy.


Thanks to those who answered the Question of the Week from Aizumi, Japan (Suzanne Kamata), Perth, Western Australia (Simon Haynes), London, England (Mark Bastable), Kent, England (Clare Grant), Channel Islands, France (Frances O’Brien), Paris, France (amy), Nice, France (Mike C), Rome, Italy (Nathalie), Edinburgh, Scotland (Colin), Dyfi, Wales (David Thorpe), Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Loraine), California (Noria, Antoine Wilson, Kaytie, Carolyn Burns Bass, Aurelio, Jordan E. Rosenfeld, Julie Ann Shapiro, daryl, n.l. belardes), Colorado (lance reynald, Jody Reale, Susanna), Connecticut (Lauren Baratz-Logsted, FiveKids55), Georgia (Lori Oliva, Lee), Illinois (Betsy, Laura Benedict, Gail Siegel), Kentucky (Paula), Louisiana (Pia, Ronlyn), Michigan (Ric Marion), New Hampshire (Myfanwy Collins), New Jersey (Amy Kiger-Williams), New Mexico (Richard, Bruce Hoppe), New York (Ellen Meister, Kim Brittingham, Kimberly, robert westfield, Jason Boog, me), North Carolina (David Niall Wilson), Oregon (Colin Matthew), Pennsylvania (Robin Slick, Jessica, A.S. King), Texas (Claudia, Jennifer Shumate), Washington (Jonathan Evison, Terry Bain, Dennis Mahagin).

And thank you to my lovely guest from South Africa, Ken Barris, for writing such a tremendous book.


Oh, right, the mystery prize. The prize was a day to take over my blog and use it for any purposes whatsoever. So some day very soon you’ll be able to see what Laura Benedict has in store for us! I told her to go ahead and get crazy, and she just might.

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  • Lori Oliva
    May 18, 2007

    What a great week! I’ve enjoyed reading the comments and learning where everyone is from. I can’t wait to see what Laura has in store!

    Keep up the good faith, Susan. I am going to send some energy your way today to get you through your edits! You’ll do it and it will be great!!!

  • Julie Ann Shapiro
    May 18, 2007

    May the sweetness come with your edits. I’m learning the tears come and there’s this most beatiful honey. I think so often with novel writing it’s hard to dig deep enough without the crying. Just invite the laughter in too!

    Last weekend I joined in a group on the beach doing yoga laughter. I think it’s great exercise for bringing the joy back to creative endeavors.


  • LaurenBaratz-Logsted
    May 18, 2007

    Susan, I know the book is going to come out great. Looking forward to Laura Benedict going crazy here!

  • lance reynald
    May 18, 2007

    I know you can kick some editing ass…

    and, though I’d love to offer something sage and profound to get you through, I’ll offer this instead; single-malt scotch…imagine how sweet it will be to savor one when it’s all over.

    hey, I’m already proud of you…and know the book is gonna come out great!!

    cool week in the Park.


  • Carolyn Burns Bass
    May 18, 2007

    Susan, I can’t imagine you sitting in a ball crying. I have no doubt that you will overcome the resistance and tap into the joy that always finds it’s way into your words.

    I am typing with my thumbs on a dinky little keyboard on my phone. My Mother’s Day present was a day away to finish my novel and … my laptop crashed shortly after I got here.

    Is resistance futile? Not in my universe, and I imagine not in yours.

  • Susan Henderson
    May 18, 2007

    Ooh, I’m holding all of you guys responsible for the kick-butt writing day I’ve had. If it’s something you’ve been sending my way, keep it coming!


  • Laura Benedict
    May 18, 2007

    I’m so glad you’ve had a good writing day, Susan. It’s always hard to work someone else’s vision into your own. I predict that you’ll get through, beat the deadline, and find everlasting happiness. (At least until the copyedit stage!)

    Can’t wait to come and play!

  • Nathalie
    May 19, 2007

    Wishing you a succesful editing session, Susan.

  • n.l.
    May 19, 2007

    Just keep swimming, just keep swimmmmmming, just keep swimming….

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Susan Henderson