Can you tell your life story in six words? Give it a try.
Wednesday, the editors of Smith Magazine will be here to talk about the six-word memoirs they collected into a book called NOT QUITE WHAT I WAS PLANNING. Hope you’ll be back to join the conversation!
Oh… and a reminder! Have you entered the Charles Shaughnessy Morning Song Writing Competition yet? I hope, if you haven’t, that you will today because it’s a fabulous opportunity to reach an entirely new audience with your writing. Also, any LitPark regulars who win the contest will win a prize from me!
Don’t know what this contest is about? Well, it was inspired by this song, written by LitPark guest, Robin Lerner and sung by LitPark guest, David Habbin. Listen to Morning Song, and think about some of the losses you’ve experienced in your life. Then write about one of those losses, with the emphasis being on anything positive you’ve gained because of it. Charlie explains this better here.
There has been one change to the original contest rules: the word limit is now 400 words. (You can read why the rule was changed over here.) If you entered when the word count was 200 and felt limited by that, you can enter again! The new deadline is March 17th, 2008. Rock out, guys. I can’t wait to award something all of you want to the winner!
Oh, wait, for no reason at all (okay, okay, the real reason is to embarrass him), I am posting a photo of someone you regulars know very well… but maybe you’ve never seen him quite like this!
See you Wednesday, everyone! And I’ll reveal the identity of the marvelous jumping cow on Friday!
February 3, 2008I love the video on amazon with all the 6 word memoirs and photos. Really interesting to read. So many of them could be me, so, so far all i’ve got is
Too circumlocutory for only six words. . .
I’ll work on that.
Thanks for posting about the contest again Sue. I hope a lot of LitPark readers participate.
February 3, 2008My life? When I get one…
(Six words; so true.)
Looking forward to your guests! Living vicariously is the best I’ve got right now, although I live in hope. Maybe a morning song and a cow suit are exactly what I need.
BTW, weren’t Eli Manning and the Giants spectacular in the final minutes? Great game!
February 3, 2008I saw yours in the video, Sue!
Here’s mine:
Loves speed; drives like a demon.
February 3, 2008Six words.. Hmmm:
Nothing happened yet. Just getting started.
February 4, 2008Booze Jail Sobriety Children Thank God
February 4, 2008Dude goes what.
February 4, 2008Running after dreams, reality a struggle.
February 4, 2008Unpredictable despair frequently interrupted by joy.
February 4, 2008Up one hill and down another…
February 4, 2008Wow, you guys are GOOD! Loved reading these!
And Richard, yes, it was a spectacular football game. I went to bed giddy and woke up giddy, and now I’m almost out of my mind wanting to vote, but I have to wait until 6am tomorrow.
AJ, Bú kèqi. I was happy to do it.
Carolyn, Thank you. I’ll have that six-word video up tomorrow. Mine is: Mistakenly kills kitten. Fears anything delicate.
Two blogs worth visiting today – first, my super-friend, Roy Kesey, who has lots of good links this morning, but the key news is that Stephen Corey has finally taken the reigns over at The Georgia Review:
And a fantastic Culture Pop interview with Marjane Satrapi, which I learned of from Enrico Casarosa:
February 4, 2008I haven’t wanted to get political here because voting, when I was growing up in DC, was always a private matter. And when it went un-private, it always turned into a disaster, even among folks who essentially agreed. So, without wanting to open up a can of worms, I just wanted to report from my small corner of NY what I’m overhearing at the bus stop, the gym, and so on….
I have run into zero people who will vote for Hillary Clinton tomorrow. The Republicans have been all over the board with their picks, though most seem to lean towards McCain or Huckabee, but the Democrats are all for Obama, now that Edwards is out of the race. And I’ve overheard a number of Republicans who support Obama, but obviously can’t vote for him in the primary. But this is the interesting piece of information that, again, may only reflect my corner of NY. If Hillary gets the nomination, almost 100% said they either won’t vote, or they’d vote for McCain, with a few saying they would have to really look at both parties before they make a decision. Just kind of startling informal survey over the past several days of mostly white, mostly middle to lower-middle class voters.
Happy to hear field reporting about trends out there, but not real interested in individual opinions, if you know what I mean…..
February 4, 2008Hey, I love your 6-word memoir, Sue! So much there. And guess what? Mine is in the book, too! (This is the first time we’ve ever appeared in the same pub, right?)
So here’s me in 6 words:
Not as blond as I look.
February 4, 2008This is very hard for the more is less lady over here. But here’s my shot:
New York flounder, Chicago rise. Ben.
February 4, 2008Six words: Disaster, joy, disaster, joy, disaster, resilience.
Not to get political either, but many in my small corner of CT are gaga over Hillary and while most will vote for any Dem against any Rep this time around, they dearly hope it will be her.
February 4, 2008Fascinating. Thanks for that, Lauren. Keep sending me field reports, everyone. You don’t have to report what city you’re from, but demographics help. In my say-Hillary’s-name-and-see-people-froth-at-the-mouth corner of NY, it is a definitely a working class neighborhood, very Italian, lots of police officers, firefighters and construction workers. Most living paycheck to paycheck.
Love everyone’s six words; fun how much you can say in such a small space. Okay, have errands to run, and my goal is to finish two more chapters today. xo
Gail Siegel
February 4, 2008Whipsawed by calamity, yet stubbornly optimistic
February 4, 2008Polyglot, wanderlust. Have bag, will travel.
February 4, 2008Accepted realities. Discovered beauty. Found serenity.
February 4, 2008Re: Indecision 2008…
It all kind of reminds me of the “Will & Grace” episode when Grace votes for the woman, Will votes for the gay candiate and the punchline of the entire episode (after discovering both candidates were frauds) is “There was a BLACK candidate?”
However, I’m proud to say my posse of single, free-thinking females here in NYC are having a hard time justifying voting for a candidate based on person rather than position. We had a spirited debate about it last night (between commercials) and we’re uniformly convinced to vote for the better candidate, not just one based on the responsibility of empowerment – from either faction.
Interestingly enough, this article recounts our discussion last night, almost sentiment for sentiment.
February 4, 2008dream’s dreamer loved in traveling shoes.
had little baggage, found traveling companion.
hmm… those are both still works in progress, could be a two volume set.
come to think of it, “could be a two volume set”… that might be a good one too… great, now I have something to obsess over all day.
February 4, 2008Why me? Why now? Why not?
Not what you think. Look closer.
Hello all, I’m new here. Thanks for the great challenge and the interesting replies.
February 4, 2008Here’s a new one, 5 words:
She looks taller in words.
(Lauren can relate to this one, too.)
February 4, 2008I hate to hear that people won’t vote, that saddens me.
February 4, 2008Hello Susan,
another book for me to get! Also that video on amazon is great.Am really enjoying all the wise things said here.
Here is ma contribution:
Travelled the World- found no home
February 4, 2008I don’t want to hear that people won’t vote either. That saddens me. More than anything. I have this fight with a lot of people. The state of our union is dependent on the American people taking a stand and making a commitment. (trying to not have too much of an opinion or cast out too many worms)
So for those of you who are old enough to remember the second part of this 6 word memoir in honour of Lady Liberty, Super Tuesday and Election ’08 (though there are SO many words that could start this, making it way longer than 6 words but wanting to keep with the theme . . .
Responsibility. Respect. Equality. Come Home America.
February 4, 2008This will cover both:
It’s not me. I deny everything.
February 4, 2008Young Mom both hopeful and fearful
February 4, 2008You are so busted in that cow suit. You can’t deny it!
February 4, 2008I love all the unwise and drunken things said at LitPark, too. Great 6 words!
February 4, 2008Like that.
February 4, 2008Glad you’re here! Cool 6 words.
February 4, 2008Isn’t it hard to stop? I heard George Saunders kept sending submission after submission to them.
February 4, 2008Wow, that sounds like a life a lot of folks would feel blessed to have. (Except for me because I am incompatible with serenity.)
February 4, 2008I used to vote more strategically – who can beat this person, who’s most likely to get stuff thru Congress, etc. Now, I just vote with my heart (and head) – who do I want? Feels way more satisfying.
What is a Polyglot? My birthday’s next month, and I think I want one. I’ll get a nice tank for it.
February 4, 2008That is so you!
February 4, 2008What’s the voter pulse out where you are?
And I agree – whenever people say, I won’t vote because all the candidates are the same, I say, no they are not. Stop watching commercials and do some research!
February 4, 2008When does Oklahoma vote?
February 4, 2008Aww.
February 4, 2008I, I, I, I, I, you…
February 4, 2008polyglot \POL-ee-glot\, adjective:
1. Containing or made up of several languages.
2. Writing, speaking, or versed in many languages.
1. One who speaks several languages.
I guess I could have said multi-lingual, but that sounds kinda dirty… 😉
Oh! And the film will be coming soon to St. Petersburg, FL and Phoenix, AZ in addition to Chicago-land!!
February 4, 2008I thought it might be you…
February 4, 2008Snorfle.
Hey, I am one of those too. Maybe it is contagious?
February 4, 2008Meant to include links!
St. Petersburg, FL and Phoenix, AZ in addition to Chicago!!
February 4, 2008Drag Poker Champion. Makes beautiful ‘Mammaries’
February 4, 2008Carving Worlds From the Dictionary
And I don’t believe any of the Dem or Rep candidates will make the changes they hope to. I’ll probably vote for Ron Paul if he’s still in.
February 4, 2008Artistic witty blue maternal opinionated follower
February 4, 2008Tomorrow. I’m undecided… I hear a lot of Obama from the younger people I know but I think we will go Clinton and McCain for the Republicans. I have seen a lot of Ron Paul signs around, so who knows. Whomever, I hope they will lead with the best intrests of the people at heart. Happy voting…
February 4, 2008Aloof? No, just a bit deaf.
February 4, 2008Mine is up on their website right here:
February 4, 2008HA!
February 4, 2008Looking for something I haven’t found.
Meant to. Wanted to. Still trying.
And another (you’re right, it’s addicting): Walking, walking, walking, walking, walking, walking.
Jessica Keener
February 4, 2008Late Gen x girl wonders too!
February 4, 2008Ha! A lot said in six syllables.
February 4, 2008one breath at a time
February 4, 2008I have always liked the mavericks, who may not be electable, but they are so unconcerned with the “game” of politics and poll-watching that they bring something much-needed to their own parties. Both Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich did that this year, and I think it made for more honest and issue-oriented debates.
February 4, 2008You have the yin and the yang in you, my dear.
February 4, 2008Ha ha! Me, too. People always say I’m so much more social online, and I say, it’s because I can hear you better when you type it!
February 4, 2008Robin, I love that!
February 4, 2008I’m going to help you look for this thing you haven’t found, Jess.
February 4, 2008i’m still young. serenity may run off again 😉
ps- i’m reading AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A FACE and loving it.
February 4, 2008And to think I thought the question was too hard and no one would play. These are fun to read!
February 4, 2008One of my favorite books!
Lucy taught a whole bunch of the writers here, if anyone wants to speak up.
February 4, 2008Nice on the new festival acceptances!
February 4, 2008OK…I have a new one now:
“I want your life, damn it.”
( :
February 4, 2008here in la la land where i only know mostly liberal democrats i have been in a lot of passionate discussions and it is truly 50/50 with everyone passionately for obama or for hillary but with everyone saying that whoever gets it, they will be a united democratic front against the republicans come november. just came from an doctor’s appointment where the nurse and i had a 30 minute discussion about it! she said her family is totally split with her husband wanting to vote for mcCain but won’t since he’s too old so he is voting obama.
i know other couples where the wife is for obama and the kids and husband are for hillary.
i am SO excited for tomorrow!
February 4, 2008Heaven forbid I end up alone.
February 4, 2008Hi Erin! Love it.
Dennis Mahagin
February 4, 2008Spun out
’round block…
got off.
February 4, 2008I have a friend who wrote this to me. she is in the south and she says that she knows a lot of southern women, in all walks of life, who just don’t like Hillary and won’t vote for her but also a lot of democrats in the south who won’t vote for a black man either, so basically, not voting. She says their fear in the deep south, is that without rallying the troops for obama, a republican will take all of the south. she says ” here i sit in the deep, deep dense red woods of the South, a place some people still call the “land of Dixie”, me and my big ole Southern Catholic family slap dab in the middle of the bible belt…..we have opened our wallets, rolled up our sleeves, picked up our cell phones, working our butts off to get Obama elected.” She says that where she is, people are just against Hillary. Period. Too much like Bush and Obama will bring the deep south, the young, the poor and the disenfranchised, the friends and family of hers still affected by Katrina, the republicans, independents and conservatives who don’t like what the republicans are offering, that they will vote for obama, but not hillary, and that they will get the help and change they need. and that Hillary will lose the general election because she hasn’t come across ANYONE that will vote for her where she is, in the deep, deep south.
So, obviously different from where i live in hollyweird, but another ‘pulse’ for you.
February 4, 2008i love yours robin. i’m so right there with you
jonathan evison
February 4, 2008. . . they made me eat sprouts . . . oops, that’s only 5 words . . .
February 4, 2008Deidre!
you rock. Your commnet really suits you!!
February 4, 2008Deidre, that comment rocks!! Your humour excelled this time
February 4, 2008Love ya Liane. I wasn’t born a leader, but I certainly always put my two cents in. 🙂
February 4, 2008I love this. Amazing what you can know about someone with just 6 words.
February 4, 2008What is the point of a democracy if people don’t vote? I don’t get it. I hear people say they are just one vote and that it won’t matter. Baloney. It does matter. So here’s a new 6 worder…..
Your vote counts…Love Freedom
February 4, 2008ooops…Your vote counts…love your freedom
February 4, 2008When one cows, cow proudly. You may quote me.
February 4, 2008I have been following the primaries in the States and am quite surprised at the outcome (up to now) how Obama is just about even. with Hillary. I was of the opinion that Hillary would be the “great winner” but obviously it isn´t the case. Here in Germany Hillary is getting quite bad press (from international journalists) as many journalists say Hillary is very self centered and doesn´t “stoop down ” to the normal person and that is probably one reason why she is having a hard. time. I can understand that the South will be for Obama. When I see him on TV he does seem to get his message to the ordinary people, but my personal opinion as an onlooker he is a bit too young at this stage,and Hillary does seem to have more competence even if as we say here “she has hairs on her teeth!!Maybe that is what is needed at present.
I find it always fatal when people don´t vote at all. Then I say vote the lesser evil ,is still better than not to vote at all.
I can see that the nation is really split and am waiting in anticipation what the results will on Super Tuesday.
It is already Tuesday here!
February 4, 2008This is my favorite.
February 4, 2008I like that Aurelio!
February 4, 2008Susan! with all these wise sayings, there bis enough for another book!
It would tickle me pink to have my name in a book.
February 4, 2008We got a call from Scarlett Johansson. Chuck hung up on her before she could tell us how to vote. Now she’ll think us rude.
I know one Edwards supporter who will vote for Obama tomorrow, and two Clinton supporters who changed their minds and voted for Obama (mail-in votes.) Polls show Obama eking ahead in CA now, but the polls are all over the place this year and don’t seem to hold up. It’s feeling like the last 5 minutes of last nights Superbowl. (Yes Susan, I watched it… imagine that!)
And my 2cents on voting for “the lesser of two evils” if your candidate doesn’t make it out of the primaries: if they are both evil, don’t vote for either. You should still vote, but one can always write in someone good instead.
February 4, 2008I really like yours Liane
February 4, 2008Oops – sorry, I was thinking six words or less. Maybe this question *was* too hard for me, Susan. Haha
February 4, 2008A deep journey still in progress! OR Bumpee road life journey in progress!
I don’t necessary give much information about myself…but Its been quite a long journey and I am still young…at heart! 🙂
February 4, 2008saddest life moment. never a mom.
February 4, 2008Me too. I tell people I have blurry hearing.
February 4, 2008I was going to throw out a wild hunch that it’s you in the Happy Cows Live in California photo. (Even though we’ve yet to meet face to face.)
February 4, 2008I think I would have loved Lucy. I fell in love with her through the book. I also enjoyed TRUTH & BEAUTY by her pal Ann Patchett.
February 4, 2008The lesser of two evils is still evil.
February 4, 2008I lost my first so I know just a little something about that ache and how I longed to hold her. Her name was Sophie.
The mother in you can still love and nurture. The heartache you know can make you more tender, less quick to judge. xo
February 4, 2008Bumpy roads build especially good character.
February 4, 2008Cared too much, did too little.
February 4, 2008I don’t know if there’s another book in the works, but they are still accepting submissions right here:
February 4, 2008Very funnyl
February 4, 2008Why do I have the feeling your story’s going to have a part 2?
February 4, 2008Ooh, it’s like a dagger to the heart!
February 4, 2008I know, isn’t it?
February 4, 2008How come I’m not your favorite?
February 4, 2008Truth and Beauty was such an interesting companion to the other book, but it also wrecked something for me. It was kind of like too much reality was shed on the original story – you know what I mean?
Do you remember the forward Ann Patchett wrote for Lucy Grealy’s book? I think she wrote it after the suicide, in a later edition of the book, and it was one of the most magnificent, telling forwards I can remember.
February 4, 2008Now Mr. H is going to wonder why he’s not one of my six words.
February 4, 2008The rotten thing about those early mail-in votes is lots of folks probably voted for people who are no longer in the race, and so their vote was wasted.
I’m not working the election this year- I always get sick for days afterwards. (Gail, are you working elections in Chicago?)
February 4, 2008I’m laughing at how civilized people are in California. It’s just a whole different thought process!
February 4, 2008Well, I have never heard the expression “hairs on her teeth” before, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget it!
February 4, 2008Every single person who’s left a comment at LitPark has a tremendous heart and a tremendous mind. I think the world will do just fine if each of us votes for the person who speaks to our convictions and speaks in a manner that makes us feel excited about the future… then we see what happens.
February 4, 2008Robin, I can’t find where you said nice things about my kids and I wanted to say thank you. Also, I’m sorry you had the flu. xo
February 4, 2008Ooh, very honest and has a bite to it. I like.
February 4, 2008I’m thinking we appeared in SmokeLong together. And we are both in each others acknowledgments!! You just haven’t seen mine yet.
February 4, 2008Born smiling. Occasionally frown. Still optimistic.
February 4, 2008Five minus one. Still a family.
February 4, 2008Off the cuff: Looking for something better than reality.
david vidal
February 4, 2008I came, I saw, I am…
or as an epithet..
I came, I saw, I was…
or as something slightly more erotic…
I come, I see, I will…
oh hell, you get the gist…
February 5, 2008Hi, I’m new here, but love the place already! Hope you don’t mind me dropping by and posting.
What a brilliant and thought provoking idea this is, I will certainly be chasing up the book. It really is amazing what you can glean about a person’s journey through life from so few words.
Hmm, I think right now my six words would be: Body broken, but mind still works!
or perhaps: Small person, big hurdles, fetch ladder!
All the best…….Jo x
February 5, 2008how poignant. this exercise continues to impress me in how much we learn about each other in so few words. thanks, sarah.
February 5, 2008Well, I’m in Utah, so…Mitt will pick up a delegate. Other than the LDS voting for their own, the minority seem to lean towards Hillary over Obama. Nobody likes McCain or Huckabee. Any other conservatives people here would vote for have dropped out of the race.
February 5, 2008“hairs on her teeth”, means something like being tough,not giving in ,being somewhat masculine and opiniated.
February 5, 2008Blackest Sheep struggling to understand things
February 5, 2008sniff. how beautiful.
Gail Siegel
February 5, 2008Someone asked if I was working the election today. Yes, here at Cook COunty’s election central at 5 AM after leaving late last night. Tried to shake off the ambien. Skimming the trouble reports from the 2290 precincts in Chicago — where judges are late or missing a supply, who has dropped out because of a dead battery. The media has descended here because Obama votes in Chicago. French, German journalists in addition to the local press. Plus the weather is a disaster. Who thought up moving the primary to February? Just let me get him alone in a room….
It is going to be a long, lively day.
Gail Siegel
February 5, 2008Oh, man, you can tell I’m half asleep. Skimming the reports for SUBURBAN COOK COUNTY, not Chicago. My office runs the suburban elections (130 towns) not the city (50 wards). Must get more coffee….
February 5, 2008Welcome!
February 5, 2008xo
February 5, 2008Cool one!
February 5, 2008Ha! I like the erotic one.
February 5, 2008Nice to have you here, Joski. Great 6 words!
February 5, 2008I always like the black sheep.
February 5, 2008Just don’t look at the clock till you’ve had dinner.
I just voted in NY!
February 5, 2008This was a super-cool question–it’s really pretty illuminating to try to strip yourself down to six words. Dangerously addictive, though: I got my husband in on it & now we keep popping out with little 6-word non-sequiturs mid-conversation 🙂
February 5, 2008The super-cool question is stolen from tomorrow’s guests. They get the credit.
February 5, 2008Ha! Sorry about that. It seemed utterly critical to my life story, especially given that I met him so late in life and was so certain I was broken in the relationship department and it turns out not to be the case.
February 5, 2008PS 9 was SLAMMED this morning! I feel like my day peaked at 8:10am. But the excitement in the air was thrilling. What a buzz!
February 5, 2008Um, ’cause you kill kittens… and I likes kittens. Sorry, hon.
February 5, 2008Me, Part 1: Wasn’t good, but had good intentions. (With gratitude to Lyle Lovett!)
Me, Part 2: Serial monogamist finally finds true love!
February 5, 2008Out of bed, off to vote.
PT. 2
Wait, I should brush my teeth.
Sarah Bain
February 5, 2008Oh, Lance is right. This is slightly addictive. I want to keep revising mine such as it is. You know, how we just keep working to revise our lives. One more.
Without father. Without daughter. With love.
February 5, 2008Unless you’re in Michigan. My vote did not count. But I love the idea of voting so I voted anyway.
February 5, 2008I could play with this challenge all day long but maybe the first effort will be the purest, so:
Schooled, tooled, fooled, pooled, cooled, ruled!
February 5, 2008I can see why you would think that, Sue. T&B exposes the excesses of catastrophic talent embodied by such a harsh reality.
February 5, 2008I’m glad there’s a big turnout in this weather. You should call Mr. H on his cell phone. He’s fabric shopping for Hamlet in your neck of the woods, and probably wet and miserable by now.
February 5, 2008Well, I think Pinckney ought to come on over and say six nice words back to you, eh?
February 5, 2008Yes, definitely brush first.
February 5, 2008Sarah, did you enter the Charles Shaughnessy contest yet? You better, you better, you bet….
February 5, 2008Was wondering where you were.
February 5, 2008“Tragically at day job,” artist laments.
February 5, 2008Ha, ha! Oh, right. That thing!
February 5, 2008I went to Disneyland! Nothing like flashing lights and prefab fantasies to lube the creative wheels!
February 5, 2008Six Word Encapsulations. Favorite New Distraction.
Sarah Bain
February 5, 2008Well, I did with 200 words and that was HARD. Now I’m debating whether to submit a new entry. It changes everything though that word count. What to do? Hmmmm….
February 5, 2008visited my 88yr. old ex neighbour in a home.for the aged and this is what she said when i asked how she felt: This certainly gave me food for thought.
life´s a burden death a redemption.
February 5, 2008I couldn’t agree with you more.
February 5, 2008He says nice things to me every day, bless his heart.
February 5, 2008Hi Liane,
My grandfather, who lived to be almost a hundred and one years old, used to say this when ever anyone asked him how he was: “Woke up today, life is good!”
February 6, 2008Wow Susan, tell your life story in six words, thats very hard. Thought the 200 words on Charlie’s contest were hard:-) Don’t usually say alot about myself, but the last couple of months have been very hard, but I came out off them feeling very strong, so here goes: Been kicked around, but still standing!!!
February 6, 2008You go, Girl!
February 6, 2008That is so sad, but what trust that she shared that with you.
February 6, 2008What a sad, yet honest statement from your friend Liane. My grandmother is in a home suffering from severe, advanced Alzheimer’s and has become a shell and shadow of the strong, wonderful woman I grew up with, so I can sadly understand the emotions behind those words too.
Take care……..Jo x
February 6, 2008Thanks you for the warm welcome Susan and for your great website too!
By the way, I somehow entered the wrong website address on my original entry, I’m not really a big guy called Joe from Carolina – I’m just a small mutant from the UK!
My proper MySpace is actually:
Take care……….Jo x
February 7, 2008My grandma had it, too. Sucked her personality right out of her. She was in her 50’s when she got it.
A little trivia for you guys, especially those of you who read my story, Motorhead. But the boy in that story, who also happened to be my first love, has a father who wrote this book:
It’s about his experience with Alzheimer’s and he actually wrote the book as he was getting increasingly walloped by the disease. If you’re not up for reading, there’s a really lovely interview with him on NPR (All Things Considered).
He is not doing as well these days….
February 7, 2008Thanks Susan for that book tipp. Ordered it on amazon .de.
Also read all the comments on on the Motörhead site.
My Mum had Alzheimers but in the early stage , so Di Baggio´s book really interests me. My Mom passed away aged 86 in 2006.
February 7, 2008I haven’t read the book so I’ll be interested to hear what you think of it. He was a wonderful writer back in the day. He ran a little horticulture business out of his home and had a newsletter for it that he always read to me.
Ooh, I think I have a photo of Francesco (the son) in one of my old blog posts…. yep:
He’s the one with no shirt and I’m in the stripes, laughing.
A.S. King
February 8, 2008Susan!
I’ve been out of the loop for too long! (Novel edits – you dig, I know.) I miss LitPark!
Loved this week’s posts. Bought the book.
Here’s my 6 –
Figured out what was haunting me.
Hey – we’re on a panel at BKSP 2008. Should be ROCKING.
February 8, 2008I’m on a conference panel? I didn’t even know I said yes to anything, but how great to know we’ll be on together.
Finished a chapter last night, hoping for two more today. Good luck with your edits, Amy!
For those of you wondering about my dog (see comments from past week), the blood test ruled out all but epilepsy. They said there’s a possibility that some toxin would explain why my healthy dog and my neighbor’s healthy dog had major seizures within a week of each other, but the test for lead came back negative, and both our dogs had normal liver counts so, for now, they’re ruling it a coincidence. They don’t recommend seizure meds unless there are more than 3 seizures a day (what they call clusters) ,or more than one or two a month, or lasting more than 5 minutes. So hopefully… you know…
Okay, gotta write today. Thanks, everyone, for a great week!
A.S. King
February 8, 2008Oh shoot. Maybe I spoke too soon. I hate when I do that.
(When she’s excited, speaks too soon.)
Thanks for the good luck. I only have a few small tweaks to go.
Julie K. Rose
February 8, 2008Hi, I’m new here – this is great fun!
Mine (as of this point in my life): Wendy loses Lost Boys, finds self.
February 8, 2008Welcome, Julie! Love your six words!
Guys, make sure you submit these over at Smith Magazine….
February 10, 2008Awesome, thanks Susan!
February 11, 2008Not sure I can read that book just yet.
My Morning Song entry was quite a saga getting to 200 words- but cathartic, as it was about regaining lost memories of my Alzheimers sufferer Mum after her death. Couldn’t possibly re-write it again, it would be too raw.
Six words for me – at this time in my life:
Mature delinquent on best road trip!
February 11, 2008Whoops! Read that post quickly and thought it said Ru Paul!! huh??
I’m an Australian- what would I know!
And I’m loving- LOVING our new regime- even though it’s in its infancy… with many baby steps to take and many grazed knees ahead!