I have to stay focused on my edits, so my wrap will simply be a picture of my page in the book of six-word memoirs:
NOT QUITE WHAT I WAS PLANNING (HarperPerennial, 2008), page 45. And my six-word entry is this: Mistakenly kills kitten fears anything delicate.
You’ll have to hurry to get this collector’s edition of the book with Brian McEntee‘s name misspelled in it because future editions will be corrected. And if you want to hear a little more about kittens, I blogged about them here.
Brian, as you may have guessed, is the lovely one in the cow costume… see Monday’s post. I think he’s great.
Thank you to this week’s guests, Larry Smith and Rachel Fershleiser of SMITH Magazine. And thanks to all of you who added your own 6-word memoirs to the discussion. Much appreciation to everyone who linked to LitPark this week: The Boston Globe, The Publishing Spot, A.J. Davis, Roy Kesey, SMITH, Indigo Editing!
Okay, Mr. H is in London and my kids are in bed, so back to the novel edits I go. See you Monday!
February 8, 2008Nice presentation. Are all the memoirs like this? (yes, I know, I suppose I SHOULD get the book)
Gail Siegel
February 8, 2008How cool! I had no idea it was illustrated. What a production!
February 8, 2008Lovely.
February 8, 2008I’m kind of doubled-over, hurting, from working on my novel edits. The hardest thing about editing a book, besides my supreme fear of disappointing people, is that I am absolutely craving having time to be the reader and not the writer. What I really want to do all day is read Graham Greene’s The End of the Affair. Maybe I’ll get in on tape and listen to it when I’m too tired and blind to get any more work done.
Man, I hurt today.
February 8, 2008Of course, maybe it’s my period…
February 8, 2008Thank you, Carolyn.
February 8, 2008Most of it’s not. I just got lucky with my piece.
February 8, 2008Most of the book is just words; there are 8 or so “memoirs” per page. I got my own page, which is very cool, and has more to do with Brian’s drawing than my words, I think. Of course, you will have to buy the book and see how they did it for yourself.
February 8, 2008My last procrastination – this is today’s All Things Considered, where they explain the fluctuation in the delegate count from Super Tuesday:
Gail Siegel
February 8, 2008That makes it even better. I’m so pleased for you. Your mom must be thrilled.
Gail Siegel
February 8, 2008I just read that for the first time about 2 years ago, and was blown away.
February 8, 2008sucky periods!
February 8, 2008This was a fun week. And I’m glad you directed me to Smith Magazine. Such a fun site. I have a feeling it will end up being another one of my addictions.
Also, totally enjoying the six word memoirs. Kicking myself for not being as clever as the ten year-old in the beginning of the video.
February 8, 2008Your words inspire me. 🙂
February 8, 2008Hey there, my friend. xo
February 8, 2008My mom is awesome. But I wonder if she still reads my blog… ?
February 8, 2008I love the picture of that 10 year old, don’t you? And glad you found Smith because they’re a good, healthy addiction.
February 8, 2008Just got the kids to bed and am about to put a load of laundry in and then tackle my book edits again… but saw a whole mess of links coming into the Douglas Preston area of LitPark so figured there might be more happening with the murder investigation….
See for yourself. Very interesting reading here: http://womanatthetable.blogspot.com/
And Maddy Gaiman reviews the new Spiderwick movie here:
http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2008/02/spiderwick-green.html 🙂
February 8, 2008Me too, about two years ago, great book. I also liked The Third Man, more of a suspense novel.
February 9, 2008Fly fisherman and dog lover who reads Seamus Heaney and Graham Greene. Wow, Michael!
February 9, 2008My goal is to read everything, do everything and see everything. I am childlike in my curiosity. Wow, six words and not even trying.
February 9, 2008David Veronese
Rest in peace. Pain-free, baby.
February 10, 2008Mistakenly slaughtered name. Brilliant drawing, nonetheless.
February 10, 2008I hope somebody put that one in the book! ( ;
February 10, 2008Um, I know I’m giving a reading at the Bowery next Saturday. Uh. Does anyone happen to know when, or maybe have some details? Apparently I didn’t write anything down.