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Question of the Month: Cool People

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Know some cool people we should hear about? It can be a neighbor, someone who inspires you from afar, an artist who deserves a shout-out, or anyone who’s changed your life for the better.


I’ve been busy traveling and doing readings, and it’s been amazing to see so many of you along the way.

Thank you to all of you who came to readings, who blogged and tweeted about the book, who recommended it to book clubs, who reviewed it over at Amazon, and who participated in the amazing Up from the Blue e-Party. I can’t even tell you how it moved me and what a difference it made to the life of this book.

Here are links to just a sampling of the cool people who said very generous things about my book…

Jessica Keener at Confessions of a Hermit Crab, Robin Slick at In Her Own Write, Tish Cohen, Patry Francis at Simply Wait, Adrienne Crezo at The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog, the Kindle Editors, LargeHearted Boy, Helen’s Reads, Michelle Erin at my books. my life, Laura Benedict at Notes from the Handbasket, Billie Hinton at camera-obscura and mystic-lit, Ellen Meister at Side Dish, Tiffany Harkleroad at Tiffany’s Bookshelf, Sarah Strand at Strand Update, Jennifer at Rundpinne, Grace at Books Like Breathing, Zoë at In the Next Room, Carolyn Burns Bass at LitChat, Carol Fitzgerald at BookReporter, Meredith Gordon Resnick at The Writer’s [Inner] Journey, Maureen Dempsey at Hybrid Mom, Jennifer Haupt at the One True Thing (Psychology Today) blog, Greg Olear at The Nervous Breakdown, Rebecca Rasmussen’s at The Bird Sisters blog, Caroline Leavitt at Caroline Leavittville, Robin Antalek, Ben Opipari at Writers On Process, Chuck Sambuchino at the Guide to Literary Agents blog, and The Nervous Breakdown.

I’m grateful to all of you! Now tell me about some of the cool people in your life….

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  • Chuck
    October 4, 2010

    Rock and roll! So happy to make the list!

  • Nathalie
    October 4, 2010

    I nominate Kimberly Whetherell! She Shoots to Conquer

    • Susan Henderson
      October 4, 2010

      Kimberly’s phenomenal. Wildly talented and wildly generous. I’m so glad she’s first to make this list!

      • Kimberly
        October 19, 2010

        Holy cats! I’m about to bust into tears!

        That’ll teach me to check in late!!!

        I’m just a mirror folks – reflecting the generosity and talent I’m so honored and continually flabbergasted to be surrounded by…

  • Nathalie
    October 4, 2010

    And of course, I mangle her last name in the process. I should have my coffee BEFORE internet. That’s Wetherell. Hem. Sorry…

  • Billy Bones
    October 4, 2010

    The people that I hang out with are beyond cool. Cold, some would say.
    Always my best,

  • billie hinton
    October 4, 2010

    I LOVE your book. Just wanted to say that! 🙂

    My writing group partner (we have a group of 2, but for some reason we call it a group!), Dawn Deanna Wilson, is a very cool writer and person. Our monthly writing weekends have kept me focused for this past year, and because of scheduling this month we aren’t meeting – and I am already missing the energy.

    Her website:

    • Susan Henderson
      October 4, 2010

      Billie, Thank for that! And love where that link took me… Dawn is very cool indeed!

  • Carolyn Burns Bass
    October 4, 2010

    Ah, Susan. This is indeed a list of cool people and I’m thrilled (and humbled) to be listed. Even more amazing is how supportive each and every one of these people are to the literary community. I am so excited about your visit to #litchat this Friday and will be spreading the word all week.

    I second the nomination for Kimberly Whetherell.

    Can I nominate more than one person? I’m going to anyway, because they are both so deserving.

    A.S. King, author of PLEASE IGNORE VERA DIETZ (pubs October 12) and DUST OF 100 DOGS (2009). She is so cool she’s has to wear sweats when she writes. Amy follows you as guest host in #litchat next week (October 15). (

    Aurelio O’Brien (, author of EVE) is one of the most modest people of great talent I’ve ever met. I know I don’t have to convince you, Susan, of how awesome he is, but some here may not know him. He is a consummate artist whose cauldron of ideas is always bubbling with great stuff and he is generous in professional courtesy and friendship.

    • Susan Henderson
      October 4, 2010

      Let me get these links live so everyone can click over:

      A.S. King:

      Aurelio O’Brien:

      And Carolyn, I’m so thrilled to be joining you on LitChat this Friday. I’ll help you get the word out in the next few days… I think you’ve picked a topic that will interest every writer who feels they’re about out of stamina and faith to see their book published.

      • Aurelio O'Brien
        October 5, 2010


        Carolyn – we’re overdue for a meet-up at Vroman’s. We’ll have to scope out their list and see what’s interesting.

        My list is very long – I admire so many people I meet. ALL you LitPark folks are all pretty special to me.

        One of my favorite people ever was my partner Chuck’s dad, Lloyd Richardson. (I hope this link works.) He treated me like a son from the start. He was humble, sincere, kind, and knew the value of simple living. He died about 8 years ago, and I miss him a lot. I was never really close to my own dad, so Lloyd became the dad I always wanted–lucky me. 🙂

    • Dee Stewart
      October 4, 2010

      Congrats, Carolyn! You are definitely a cool person in my life also.

    • Kimberly
      October 19, 2010

      Okay now. This is just too kind…

      And I’ll second Aurelio. Cool doesn’t even BEGIN to describe him.

  • Elizabeth Crane
    October 4, 2010

    This may be the coolest person I’ve ever come across:
    Met him at Yaddo this summer. He’s a sweetheart and he’s insanely talented. Watch some of the video for only a glimpse of what he can do – he’s an incredible singer and piano player as well.

    • Susan Henderson
      October 4, 2010

      Wow, what a talent! And I was already sold when I saw his wings!

      • Elizabeth Crane
        October 4, 2010

        Awesome! Sue, if you ever get a chance to see him perform, don’t miss it. We were all blown away.

  • robin antalek
    October 4, 2010

    Oh, Susan — thanks for the shout out! I was thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful effort to get the word out for your lovely, lovely book.

    The answer to your question would have to be my daughters. My oldest is a breathtakingly talented painter attending RISD and my younger is an elegant, graceful, athlete. They are strong, fierce, proud, loyal, smart, and not afraid of being different, standing up for what is right or speaking their minds. Every minute I’m with them I marvel that I had something, anything, to do with their creation. They are indeed the coolest people I know.

    • Susan Henderson
      October 5, 2010

      What a tribute to your daughters… and says so much about you!

  • Jessica Keener
    October 5, 2010

    Sue–this is such a fun, happy question, and thank you so much for putting me on your list.

    In the book world, the cool people for me are editing and writing for literary magazines and blogging about books and writing. (Like litpark, and you, you & you.)

    In animal sciences and neurobiology, Temple Grandin is my cool person.

    In my family world–my son and husband–because they challenge and change the way I view the world and myself–like–just-about-every-day.

    And, my older sister, Lynne, is cool for her courage and vulnerability, and for speaking the truth.

    • Susan Henderson
      October 5, 2010

      I’m in awe of Temple Grandin, too. And I love what you said about your sister. 🙂

  • Robin Slick
    October 5, 2010

    Aw, what a cool post (ha) and the photo of you signing is absolutely gorgeous.

    Thanks for including me in the list of cool people. I try. Or maybe I don’t try, which is why I am cool. 🙂

    Big surprise – my candidates are you, Tish, Jessica, Ellen…oh God, now that I’ve started, I’m afraid I’ll leave someone out so let’s just say all of the fabulous writers I’ve met here, at Zoetrope, Backspace, etc.

    And yeah, yeah, you know I had to say it — my kids: and

    While I’m here – do cool people play Scrabble on Facebook? Ha ha, I just joined and can’t find any worth opponents. xo

    • Susan Henderson
      October 5, 2010

      Hee, love it… so cool you don’t have to try. I hope everyone clicks on the links to your amazing kids. And thank you again (the three of you) for just incredible heart and generosity.

    • Carolyn Burns Bass
      October 6, 2010

      Robin, I don’t play Scrabble on FB, but Lexulous, which is a Scrabble knock-off. I prefer it to the FB Scrabble because it loads faster and is easier on the eyes. I don’t play many people, but I do enjoy challenging opponents.

  • Jim Nichols
    October 6, 2010

    Great signing photo, Sue…they can use that on your next book.

    My coolest contemporary person is Kevin Waters…the guy who started our flying service. This profile says it all

    • Susan Henderson
      October 6, 2010

      Extraordinary. I love that you thought of a pilot. (And I still want to catch a flight with you sometime!)

      • Jim Nichols
        October 7, 2010

        You can grace our little aircraft any old time.

        • Susan Henderson
          October 8, 2010

          All riiiight!

  • lance
    October 7, 2010

    most certainly going to nominate Kimberly, again!

    and…I’m just awed by everyone getting involved with the It Gets Better Project on youtube.

    and, Rakesh Satyal ( a fellow nominee and the winner I was thrilled to lose the Lambda Literary Award to) managed to blow my socks off today;

    • Susan Henderson
      October 7, 2010

      The It Gets Better Project is a beautiful thing… wow. And the Deliverance moment is awesome!

      And really lovely gesture by Rakesh… though I would have been thrilled if he’d come in second to you. xo

    • Kimberly
      October 19, 2010

      Now I’m just embarrassed. 😉

  • Rosie
    October 7, 2010

    I love this idea of sharing inspiring people we know – 4 extremely cool writers deserving a shoutout are Simon Armitage, Lavinia Greenlaw, Joe Dunthorne and Daljit Nagra. They’ve just filmed these videos talking about their inspiration, and giving poetry-writing tips.

    Also, Sarah Von of Yes and Yes is joyfully positive and her blog bubbles over with inspiration and encouragement:

    • Susan Henderson
      October 7, 2010

      Rosie, Thank you for posting the Yes and Yes link… I really needed that today! And looking forward to watching the poet videos. Glad you’re here.

  • Kimberly
    October 19, 2010

    Okay. Now that I’m completely floored, may I make a comment in return?

    Besides the brilliant, generous and talented people who I’ve met through this blog and whom I’m consistently humbled to be in the company (on- or offline) of…

    I’m going to nominate someone who, at the time, was the most terrible, horrible, no-good, very worst person I could think of, but without whom, my life would be irrevocably different.

    I won’t mention her name (it’s irrelevant), but if that woman had not hired me to manage her podunk opera tour of Taiwan, I would never have met Mr. H. If I had not Mr. H, I not only would have missed meeting my very favorite artistic collaborator, but I would not have met Mrs. H. If I had not met Mrs. H., I would never, EVER, have considered putting words onto paper professionally, nor would my world have been opened up in the way that it has by that magical discovery.

    I owe everything that my life has become today to that absolutely horrid woman.

    And I think that’s the coolest thing ever.

    • Susan Henderson
      October 19, 2010

      Ha!! I’m so grateful to that crazy lady. She completely changed the trajectory of our family, too.

  • Helen
    October 25, 2010

    Thanks for including me in your list of ‘cool people’. Good luck with book!

    • Susan Henderson
      October 26, 2010

      Thanks for stopping by, Helen.

  • jenny milchman
    October 30, 2010

    Hi Susan–congrats on your launch–I look forward to checking out your book! I co-host a writers series at this very cool independent bookstore (my entry for cool) and we love featuring debut authors. Here’s a link, if appearing might at all be a possibility–new events are always being planned Also, I feature authors in the Made It Moments column on my blog (another link and from the essay I read by you today, it sounds like you’ve given the topic of “making it” in this biz lots of thought already. Please drop me a line if you’d be interested in appearing! And again, best of luck with your debut…

    • Susan Henderson
      October 30, 2010

      Hi Jenny,

      Glad you’re here! I would love to visit both your bookstore and your blog… and am really glad to hear of them!

Susan Henderson