Monthly Archives October 2013
About LitPark
I started LitPark (a literary playground) in 2006 in order to build a supportive community of writers and artists who are in this game for the long haul. Together, through blog posts, interviews, and moving stories told in the comments’ section, we’ve shared our struggles and doubts, our best advice, and helped to remind each other how to enjoy this work we do.
Popular Posts
- Celebration
- Mistakes That Changed Us
- We Want a Turn
- When Patience is Required
- How a Book Can Save a Kid
- Rejected but Not Defeated
- Career Day
- Who Owns Our Truths?
- A 30-Year-Old Letter Arrives
- Temporary Ecstacy: The First Book Deal
- Unraveling the Sweater
- Riding the Rollercoaster
- Time for Waltzing
- A Community of Misfits
- At What Point Can You Call Yourself a Writer?
- Discovering the Story
- Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!
- Untangling Necklaces
- Life’s Trials (My 9/11 Story)
- My First Mentor
- The History of Neil Gaiman’s Hair
LitPark Interviews
- 60-Writers Quiz
- Adrienne Brodeur
- Alexander Chee
- Amanda Stern
- Amici Forever
- Amy Bryant
- Amy Wallen
- Amy Wilentz
- Angela Stubbs
- Ann Kingman
- Anthony Miller
- Anthony Tognazzini
- Aquadisiac
- Attica Locke
- Aurelio O’Brien
- Backspace
- Barry Eisler
- Belle Yang
- Bonnie Glover
- Brad Listi
- Brian McEntee
- Bridgett M. Davis
- Bruce Bauman
- Bruce Benderson
- Buck Lewis
- Cameron McGill
- Candice Night
- Caroline Leavitt
- Carrie Hoffman
- Chuck Collins
- Chuck Sambuchino
- Claire Cameron
- Corey Mesler
- Create Now!
- Dan Conaway, Part 1
- Dan Conaway, Part 2
- Dan Passamaneck
- Daniel Handler
- Danielle Trussoni
- Danny Gregory
- David Habbin
- David Morrell
- Dice Tsutsumi
- Dime Stories
- Douglas Preston
- Dr. Dot
- Dylan Landis
- Elizabeth Crane
- Ellen Meister
- Emily Maguire
- Enrico Casarosa
- Eric Spitznagel
- FAWM (Songwriters)
- Frank Daniels
- Gayle Lynds
- Gerard Jones
- Gina Frangello
- Greg Downs
- Halloween Special
- Happy Ending Reading Series
- Harper Perennial Lit Chicks
- Heather McElhatton
- Heather O'Neill
- Heather Pena
- Hillary Carlip
- Internet Crack
- James Brady
- James Spring
- Jamie Ford
- Jeff Swanson
- Jeffrey Lependorf
- Jennifer Haupt
- Jessica Keener
- Jill Gurr
- Jim Tomlinson
- Jimmy Margulies
- John Griswold
- John Warner
- Jolene Siana
- Jordan Rosenfeld
- Josh Kilmer-Purcell
- Joy Nicholson
- Judith Ryan Hendricks
- Karen Dionne
- Karen Dionne 2
- Kate Gale
- Kelly Braffet
- Ken Barris
- Kevin Dolgin
- Kevin Sampsell
- Kimberlee Auerbach
- Lac Su
- Lance Reynald
- Larry Smith
- Laura Benedict
- Lauren Baratz-Logsted
- Lauren Cerand
- LeConté Dill
- Lemony Snicket
- Literary Agent, Part 1
- Literary Agent, Part 2
- Lori Oliva
- Marcy Dermansky
- Marcia Butler
- Maria Dahvana Headley
- Marisa de los Santos
- Michael Stusser
- Mikel K Poet
- Monica Drake
- Mr. Henderson
- Naseem Rakha
- Neil Gaiman
- Norman Mallory
- Olympia Vernon
- Oronte Churm
- Owen King
- Pasha Malla
- Patry Francis
- Paul Green
- Pearl Harbor Day with Pop Pop
- Peter de Seve
- Pia Z. Ehrhardt
- Pierre Berg
- Political Cartoonist
- Porochista Khakpour
- Rachel Fershleiser
- Rachel Resnick
- Ritchie Blackmore
- Robert Westfield
- Robin Lerner
- Robin Slick
- Ron Currie, Jr.
- Ronnie Del Carmen
- Roy Kesey
- Samantha Dunn
- Sarah Hall
- School of Rock
- Sci-Fi Humorists
- Scott Snyder
- Seth Greenland
- Shawn Decker
- Smith Magazine
- Stephanie Lessing
- Steve Erickson
- Susan Straight
- Suzan Woodruff
- Tao Lin
- Terry Bain
- The Liar's Diary Blog Day
- The Man Eating Neil Gaiman
- The Very Hot Jews
- Thom Didato
- Three Trees
- Thriller Panel
- Tish Cohen
- Todd Zuniga
- Tom Jackson
- Tommy Kane
- Wayétu Moore
- Wayne Yang
- Writer's Relief
- Xujun Eberlein
- You