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Announcing the Salt Cay Writers Retreat Merit Scholarship Contest

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Announcing the Salt Cay Writers Retreat Merit Scholarship Contest

Oct 20-25, 2014 | Salt Cay, Bahamas

Did you know that William Styron put the finishing touches on Sophie’s Choice while vacationing on Salt Cay, Bahamas? Or that Anne Morrow Lindbergh worked on Gift From The Sea on Salt Cay as well?

Now you too can practice your craft on this beautiful private Bahamian island. While the Salt Cay Writers Retreat curriculum is particularly suited for advanced fiction writers, memorists, and narrative non-fiction writers, any author who wishes to take their writing to the next level is welcome to join us for a memorable week of writing and instruction October 20-25.


The winner of the Salt Cay Writers Retreat Merit Scholarship Contest will be invited to attend the Salt Cay Writers Retreat with all program and tuition fees covered (travel and retreat hotel accommodations are not included).


The contest will be judged by a well-qualified anonymous panel of publishing professionals including retreat faculty. More information at:

Entry deadline: April 1, 2014

Winner announced: April 15, 2014

3Blue Lagoon Island

To enter, send your writing sample as an attachment to [email protected].

Maximum 15 pages. Your writing sample may be from a work in progress or from a published work, including essays and short stories. All materials should be in 12pt Times New Roman. Pages should be double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Please use the following file name format: TITLE OF BOOK-Salt Cay Writers Retreat Scholarship Contest. .doc or .rtf formats only, please.

Be sure to include your name and contact information in the email with your submission.

There is no fee to enter this scholarship contest; however, please remember that the scholarship covers tuition fees only; travel and hotel costs are the responsibility of the scholarship winner.


2014 Salt Cay Writers Retreat Faculty:

Lorenzo Carcaterra, #1 New York Times bestselling author

David Ebershoff, #1 international bestselling author; Executive Editor, Random House

Robert Goolrick, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Jacquelyn Mitchard, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Téa Obreht, National Book Award finalist and winner of the Orange Prize

Erin Harris, Folio Literary Management

Jeff Kleinman, Founder, Folio Literary Management

Jill Marr, Sandra Dijkstra Agency

Erin Niumata, Senior Vice President, Folio Literary Management



“The SCWR was a life-changing experience I will never forget. The faculty was just superb across the board, especially the authors who were wise and gifted teachers. I appreciated how accessible, generous, and helpful everyone was. I was at a place in my writing career where I was ready for tools to take my work to the next level. I found this at the SCWR and so much more. Thank you all!” – 2013 Salt Cay Writers Retreat student

Questions? Email Salt Cay Writers Retreat administrators Karen Dionne or Christopher Graham at: [email protected]. You may also telephone Chris at 732-267-6449.



Karen and Chris are co-founders of the online writers community Backspace, and have directed the highly respected Backspace Writers Conferences held in New York City for the past 9 years.


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  • Karen Dionne
    February 12, 2014

    Thanks for posting about our scholarship contest, Sue! We’re very excited about the retreat, and the 2014 faculty is simply amazing. I can’t wait to return to Salt Cay – it’s such a beautiful, relaxing, and inspiring island. (Besides, somebody’s got to keep an eye on that two-fisted drinker Kleinman!)

    • Susan Henderson
      February 12, 2014

      I am mesmerized by the pictures and the lineup! I am even going to pretend I’m that woman with the laptop and pretty skirt, typing up my latest inspiration before grabbing that second drink from Jeff Kleinman. Whoever wins this scholarship is going to be unbelievably lucky. Nothing opens doors in this tough business like studying with people who can actually open doors for you!

  • Karen Dionne
    February 12, 2014

    And the dolphin swim was pretty unbelievable, too!

  • Frances Brown
    March 23, 2014

    I visited Salt Cay back in the 80s, when a cruise line still owned it. My husband and my “sanity vacation” after the birth of my twin boys. From the pics, it still looks the same. It would rock awesome to be able to go back there again – and write!

    • Susan Henderson
      March 23, 2014

      How wonderful to hear it’s unchanged. Can’t wait to hear about the lucky people who get to write here!

  • Barbara Forlenza
    March 31, 2014

    Just emailed my submission. What a wonderful opportunity to the lucky winner. Good luck to all involved….

    • Susan Henderson
      April 2, 2014

      So glad you sent in your submission! A chance at heaven on earth!

  • Susan Henderson
    April 15, 2014

    SO MANY fabulous entries! Thank you to everyone who sent in a story! The winner of the contest is posted here:

Susan Henderson