Temporary Ecstasy: The First Book Deal
Okay. Tuesday, as I’m folding laundry and trying to help my son find a snack and start on his homework, I get a phone call. And this person says, Are you busy? Is this a good time to talk?
And I say something like, Go ahead, I’m always busy …
Question of the Week: Zodiac
Rest in peace, Cletus. xoxo
Sunday is my birthday, so today’s question is, What’s your sign, and what’s your age? Come on, be brave.
Wednesday you’ll see something that developed in the comments section a few months …
Question of the Week: Style
Describe your writing style (if you’re a writer). If you’re an artist, director, reader, or any of my other friends at LitPark, I want to hear about your style, too, even if it’s to hear about your shoe collection!
Wednesday, short-story writer, Elizabeth Crane …
LitPark is away on a 5-star Caribbean cruise this week.
I’m sorry I can’t share any details, and I’ve locked the comments section until I get back. See you on Monday, March 12th!
And thank you to Candy, Holly, Jo Anne, Kathy, Theresa, and Tracy for letting me rummage through their closets and jewlery boxes!
Question of the Week: Friends' Success
You and your group of writer friends have been struggling in the business for years – workshopping each others’ stories, crying together through all of the rejections. Now, finally, your friend gets that break that seemed like it would never come! And you feel . . . . ?
* …