Susan Henderson is a seven-time Pushcart Prize nominee, the recipient of an Academy of American Poets Award, and the author of two novels, Up from the Blue and The Flicker of Old Dreams, both published by HarperCollins. Her latest is a Montana Book Award Honor Book and winner of the High Plains Book Award for Fiction, the WILLA Literary Award for Contemporary Fiction, the Western Writers of America Spur Award for Western Contemporary Novel, and included by This House of Books on its list of Top 100 Books of the 21st Century. Susan is a lifetime member of the National Book Critics Circle and the NAACP. She lives in New York and blogs at the writer support group,
Her favorite authors include Toni Morrison, Shirley Jackson, James Baldwin, William Gass, Kent Haruf, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ellen Gilchrist, John Steinbeck, Nikki Giovanni, Max Porter, Nicole Krauss, Ocean Vuong, Naomi Shihab Nye, Tim O’Brien, Zora Neale Hurston, Edward Hirsch, Jill Bialosky, William Maxwell, Claudia Rankine, and the Brothers Grimm.
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Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc.
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Awards and Recent/Upcoming Stuff:
2024, This House of Books includes The Flicker of Old Dreams on its list of Top 100 Books of the 21st Century
2023, Generation Women retreat, Catskills, New York
2023, Judging Committee for the NBCC John Leonard Prize (awarded to Morgan Talty for Night of the Living Rez)
2022, Instructor at the Community of Writers, Olympic Valley, California
2022, 4-week residency at Vermont Studio Center
2022, Pushcart Prize nomination
2021, The Flicker of Old Dreams selected for One Book Billings
2020, Judge for the High Plains Book Award for Fiction (awarded to Joe Wilkins for Fall Back Down when I Die)
2020, Interviewed Marcia Butler for The National Book Review
2019, Judging Committee for the NBCC John Leonard Prize (awarded to Sarah Broom for The Yellow House)
2019, Finalist for the Edith Wharton Writers-in-Residence program.
2019, Hawthornden International Fellow (a month-long, fully funded stay at the Hawthornden Castle in Scotland, thanks to funding from Drue Heinz)
2019, The Flicker of Old Dreams was selected by Women Writing the West for the WILLA Literary Award Winner in Contemporary Fiction.
2019, The Flicker of Old Dreams was the winner of the High Plains Book Awards in both the Fiction and Woman Writer categories.
2019, The Flicker of Old Dreams was the winner of the Western Writers of America Spur Award for Best Western Contemporary Novel.
2019, The Flicker of Old Dreams was selected as an Honor Book for the 2018 Montana Book Awards.
2019, Award nominations for The Flicker of Old Dreams include The American Book Award, The Montana Book Award, The Spur Award, The High Plains Book Award, The WILLA Literary Award, and The Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize
2017, Pushcart Prize nomination
2016, Pushcart Prize nomination for Individual Artist award
2016, Pushcart Prize nomination for “Fish with Bent Fins,” published in New World Writing
2016, Pushcart Prize nomination for “Dead Eddie,” published in Elm Leaves Journal
2010, Robert Gray of Shelf Awareness selects Up from the Blue as a Top 10 of 2010
2010, The National Reading Group selects Up from the Blue as a 2010 Great Group Reads
2009, Lojo Foundation full scholarship to attend the Squaw Valley Community of Writers
2006, Pushcart Prize nomination for “Motorhead,” published in Amazon Shorts
2004, Pushcart Prize nomination for “Not So Much Excitement Around Here,” published in The Arkansas Review
2003, Green Hills Literary Lantern Fiction Contest, judged by DeWitt Henry, Honorable Mention for “Only Green Things”
2003, Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation grant
2002, Alsop Review Fiction Contest, First Place for “Spider Girl”
1989, Academy of American Poets Prize
1989, Adamson Award, Poetry, First Place
1989, Adamson Award, Fiction, Honorable Mention
1989, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Personal Essay, First Place
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