How We’re Really Doing
Hey. Are you doing okay?
I wanted to give some space here to talk about the loss of Gabe Hudson, who was a friend and inspiration to so many of us. If you were a listener to Gabe’s podcast, …
Hey. Are you doing okay?
I wanted to give some space here to talk about the loss of Gabe Hudson, who was a friend and inspiration to so many of us. If you were a listener to Gabe’s podcast, …
Tell me about some risks you are taking or ways you are stretching out of your comfort zone, either for your career or your life in general. And if you haven’t been taking risks, tell me what’s stopping you.
Since I turned 50, I started applying for things that are …
Do you know the feeling when too much is flying your way at once and you’re trying to keep calm?
Two months till launch, and I’m starting to feel the intensity pick up. All last minute edits are in. No more changes allowed. This is the final cover, front and …
How do you make the transition from the person who wrote in private for years to someone who must now help sell that finished book?
Most writers I know—me included—are introverts. And suddenly, when our books are published, we have to wear makeup, mingle, and speak into microphones. Worst of …
What are your curiosities regarding the dead and the dying and our customs for mourning them?
The Flicker of Old Dreams, my new novel that’s narrated by a mortician, explores all kinds of death—the death of a town and a way of life, the death of a …