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Good News for Former LitPark Guests!

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Time to break out the exclamation points for two well-deserving guests of LitPark:

Tomorrow (Thursday, January 29th), the fabulous Jimmy Margulies will be on CNN’s American Morning program for a feature on cartoonists drawing Obama and Bush. It should air between 8:30 and 9am. And if you missed Jimmy’s interview or want to leave him a message, just click here.

Other big and wonderful news: Remember earlier this month when I was saying how much I loved Neil Gaiman‘s Graveyard Book? Well, guess who just won the Newbery Medal? (Exclamation points, please!!) If you missed Neil’s interview, you can click on A Photo History of Neil Gaiman’s Hair. And since those comments are closed (because they’re on the old system), you can leave him your good wishes over at Twitter.

Nothing better than seeing good things happen to good people.

Be sure to stop by Monday for a new Question of the Month and a sneak peek at February’s guest!

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  • SusanHenderson
    January 28, 2009

    Yay, LitPark is up again. And Terry Bain, if you’re responsible for fixing things, thank you!

  • Juliet
    January 28, 2009

    Congrats, Neil! That’s wonderful.

  • Nathalie
    January 29, 2009

    All great news indeed.
    And that reminds me that Enrico Casarosa was also a former guest of yours.
    He came to Paris on Tuesday, on his way to Angoulême, with his friends Ronnie del Carmen and Tadahiro Uesegi (co-authors of “Three Trees Make a Forest”).
    And since I was there also on business, we met and I took some pictures of their signing session.
    Tadahiro Uesegi did some work for the Coraline sets apparently (another link to Neil Gaiman – this IS a small world).

  • SusanHenderson
    January 29, 2009

    Jimmy, it was so great to see you on TV!

    Hi Juliet!

    Nathalie, I’m so glad you got to meet Enrico, Ronnie, and Tadahiro! Let me link their interview here:

    And here’s Enrico’s page:

  • kategray
    January 29, 2009

    I was so excited when I saw Neil on the Today Show, looking a little blown away by this whole Newbery thing! I just got done with Coraline a little bit ago, and am definitely keen for the Graveyard Book. Yay, Neil Gaiman!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also finished Inkheart, Susanna Clarke’s Ladies of Grace Adieu, and am on to Julia Child’s My Life in France. Have also started to lay out the YA idea…and have been tentatively talking to middle school classmates via facebook. I think I may need to just blog and ask them all to help me out with memories and their own tales of woe from those days!

  • SusanHenderson
    January 30, 2009

    Aren’t they a beautiful bunch? And how cool are Ronnie’s glasses?

  • SusanHenderson
    January 30, 2009

    It’s been pretty adorable seeing how much the award means to him.

    So glad to hear you’re moving forward with your book idea!

  • SusanHenderson
    January 30, 2009

    Hmm. Former speechwriter for George HW Bush just contacted me about somethin.

  • Aurelio
    January 30, 2009

    It’s nice to hear that Jimmy Margulies is getting some good press on CNN – congrats, Jimmy!

    And big congratulations to Neil Gaiman – wow!!! Well done!!!

  • troutbum70
    January 30, 2009

    I have been to Angouleme. I only drove through and left the main highway there to drive to the farmhouse I spent my honeymoon in. Cool.

  • SusanHenderson
    January 30, 2009

    For those of us who can only be virtual tourists in Angoulême:

  • SusanHenderson
    January 30, 2009

    Yeah. Makes me awfully happy.

  • Aurelio
    February 2, 2009

    I wonder if they wrote “I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family,” and “They misunderestimated me.”

  • SusanHenderson
    February 2, 2009


  • David_Niall_Wilson
    February 3, 2009

    I was a big fan of the Dr. Seuss books early on … soon I graduated to Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, Nancy Drew, and the various series books. My favorite children’s books are Fox in Socks by Seuss and Runny Babbit by Shel Silverstein – mostly because of the difficulty of reading them aloud. I’m good at it, the rest of my family less so…


  • SusanHenderson
    February 3, 2009

    Hey, David, Come on back cuz you posted in the wrong section and I want everyone to see the books you added to our list. Thx!

Susan Henderson